8.0 Update: Immortals

Hi @Jeto - not seeing these additions here

as of 730pm EDT.

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is the troop you want to try owleth?

Hmm … so half of these “Immortal” mythics are just variations of a pre-existing Mythic? And they all share a signature trait of “Invulnerable”?

Huh. Neither impressed nor disappointed.

I think we need a new spell archetype:

  • Target an enemy.
  • Inflict some status ailment on that enemy.
  • Deal damage to that enemy, with bonus damage if the enemy does NOT have that status ailment.

Basically an inversion of the existing spell archetype of “deal damage, bonus damage if (status ailment), then inflict (status ailment).”

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currently its Hind, but Owleth is a more distant second

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How many PVP battles does your team believe it would take to get enough VP to complete the season? Please keep in mind you can’t count on Icons since other “rewards” can be given instead of Icons from chests.


You need 180,000 VP to complete the season pass reward track. Season is 77 days or 11 weeks.

Lets say you do nothing but the lowest tier fight in quick battle in Central Spire, I have one where the base VP earned is 36. Winning the battle, I got bonus VP for different things that I did during the battle, and I ended with with 68 VP at the end.

If I did just this battle, without using anything that would increase how much VP you get per battle (like Victory Talismans), it would take 2,648 PvP wins over the course of the season to complete the seaonsal reward track. So about 35 wins a day or 245 a week.

Did a blood frenzy quick battle in another area, where the base VP earned was 41, and I got 120 when I won, so 1,500 wins. About 20 a day or 140 a week.

The 1,000 VP bonus for completing the weekly reward track does not count toward the 180,000 needed for the seasonal rewards. It should, but it doesn’t.

Of course using Victory Talismans to double your VP earned, winning the battles that reward a higher base VP, and getting/redeeming icons for bonus VP will speed this up, but its still an awful grind.

So to just get enough to complete the seasonal reward track over the course of 11 weeks, you’ll need to win at most about 2,648 PvP battles. But it will probably be closer to the 1,500 area you’ll have to win.

Of course with VP resetting every season, I doubt I will bother doing any additional PvP once I get to the 180,000 needed to clear the reward track and I will never get to the 800,000 needed for the top ranking an Alliance. Hell, after this first season, I don’t know if i’ll even bother with PvP anymore, as its just not fun to play. I keep facing the exact same teams over and over that it’s even more boring than grinding out E12s hoping to get that stupid horde mimic fight.


The thing is that the reward track isn’t everything that PvP rewards have to offer.
There’s that 560 000 VP in the "promoted"task in the seasonal goal tab - which increases the needed number from your calculations, multiplies it by 3 times and some change. So, it’s no longer 2648 wins (or 1500, as in your example), but rather 8000+ in Central Spire and 4500+ when using blood frenzy & other bonuses. That’s closer to 400+ wins per week, instead of the 140 mentioned, and this is a LOT of time spent with the game.


If you’re trying to complete all the tasks, you also need to be doing monolith battles EVERY day, in order to reach the relevant amounts. They don’t count towards VP totals, unlike citadel battles (which you’d also need to be doing), so you have to add them on top on whatever total you work out.
Assuming you do the 5 battles every day for the full 77 days, that’s an extra 385 battles overall, or 35 battles each week. And you may want to be doing more than the minimum, in order to ensure you earn enough for the goals.

I doubt anyone is gonna be happy about doing this for more than the first season, at most.


Got the season pass done. Wasnt too hard tbh. :man_shrugging:

so how is it posible ?


manually type in the troop number when pasting the team
7571-7580 are immortals


You are both correct, I was merely looking at just the standard reward track as I find most of the Seasonal Goals to be unobtainable for me. I doubt I will make it past the first bronze reward for both the monolith and citadel goals and I will only do enough pvp to get the 176,000 for the basic season reward track (and not spending money on the premium pass to get all the locked rewards either and the last 2 rewards are locked, so no point getting to 180,000), so I won’t make it past the first tier reward for the Alliance rank either probably.


So who wants to file the bug report on this one?

Why bother? Let them fix the xp bug and the others first?