7.2 Update: Hidden Treasures

I comprehend that risk and that position.

That being said? When this happened the last time, we got those Torches back (albeit a few days after the Underspire reset and not immediately), including any Torches we had purchased. So what I’m doing is playing the Underspire as I normally would, but I’m also screenshotting my map when I’ve used all my Torches for the day. So if it does reset again, I have in front of me the necessary data to most efficiently re-create my progress and not lose anything under the assumption that the “compensation” would be identical to the last time.

Spme are concerned about a reset, but others (myself included) are more concerned that pre-generated maps won’t include Treasure Guardians poet-update. For that reason I’m leaving my battles unplayed (aside from getting to the free lantern).

My assumption would be Treasure Guardians will spawn starting next week, but better safe than sorry :wink:


I asked the same thing yesterday with no answer. I don’t want to to reveal dead ends on Monday and Tuesday only for them to of been possible guardian treasures on Wednesday after the update. I’m also waiting.

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the underspire is generated in its entirety on the weekly reset, so either we will have no treasure guardians this week (waaaay more likely), or they will retroactively be added to all dead ends, revealed or not, (HIGHLY unlikely)

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Really hope the Campaign achievement (Hard Taskmaster) is finally fixed. Can’t see it in the Bug Fixes nor in the Known Issues although they acknowledged it already in the forum. Fingers crossed.


Hi there, new one. One thing to always keep in mind here is, that the people, who run the forum, post the announcements, etc. are not the people who develop the game.
For this reason, we are talking about two instances of “they” here, with an unknown degree of interaction between them. Whatever gets posted here by “official” sources is limited to what the forum mods know, guess or make up.


Not true. There was a mid-week change to data files a while ago, which suddenly caused unreleased rooms to show up in ongoing Underspire runs. That wouldn’t be possible if the entire maze is generated at the start of the week.

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That is true, but I am just worried about people spending extra gems to try and find the treasure guardian rooms. Then, there would be a tide of people complaining and demanding for compensation.

As for me, I’m going to play out under spire like I normally do. Buy 2 packs of torches Monday through Thursday, then treat it like a weekend event Friday and see how far I can go, trying to take optimal paths.

If there are treasure guardian rooms after 7.2 this week, it’s probably safe to assume that you would run into at least 1 if you fully explored the first 2 sections.

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I’m really sorry if I’m pushing somewhere where it does not have any effect. And I’ll try to avoid the “they” and properly describe who I meant. I assumed the users with tag “Gems of War Dev” are indeed developers of the game. The post said “I’ll let the developer team know” and it was in July.

Just trying to remind about this issue if it was left out because it’s important to me. The last thing I want is to offend someone.

Thanks for letting me know about this fact!


Perhaps the main path is generated at the start of the week, but the content of individual rooms is generated as they are discovered?

Confirmed that underspire map has been reset again :smile:
And it’s a NEW map lol


yikes, sorry to hear

edit: it took away my old free lantern, but it’s not like it refunded the torch to reach it in the first place


Hi all,

The team is looking into the Underspire reset right now.

Sorry for this.


Put the glory amount back on the upper right where I can see it 100% of the time. Hide souls if you only have room for 3 currencies (which clearly you have plenty of room).

And uhh… why is lite chat half as big as it was before?


Area 1, already hit a double dead end with 2 Sentinels. Interesting.

Both were Draconic Sentinel

Common room: Undead Sentinel
Legendary room: 10 Cursed Runes

Elemental Sentinel:

Ultra-Rare room: 2 Token of Anu

Elemental Sentinel:

Epic room: 20 Emeralds

I threw a lantern on the Legendary room, but as assumed, the battle rewards were doubled, but not the Chest itself (probably?). I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I pull less Cursed Runes in a different spot.


Guess it’s good that I didn’t even touch US until after the update pushed?


You can count on not counting on GoW to be free from bugs, which is…

It’s not great.


Underspire reset, Torches AND bought Lanterns gone. How nice…


We created a known issues article here: Underspire Reset

Currently no need to submit any ticket, as we have all the information we need.

Anyone who has made purchases that have reset, we will work on getting those back to you as soon as we can!
Again, there is no need to submit a ticket for this as we can grab that data on our side to find everyone who has made a purchase.


aaaand torches too, right?