7.0 Update: Underspire

On top of being good value, I find it funny that the Gold Orb battle is one of the easiest boss fights in the Underspire. It’s like a certain troop decided to take a vacation at the best possible time. . .


Probably the same amount of keys you’d need to use to get the gems to fund 4 weeks of Underspire to get those orbs

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But keys aren’t the only means of getting gems.

I opened around 50 keys yesterday and got one gold glory orb, and got enough gems to finance 1 underspire run. No bronze or silver glory orb. Tiny sample size. The last 50 didn’t give me a single glory orb and fewer gems.


750 gems in 50 keys isnt typical.

I just used like 1600 Vault keys and maybe only once or twice did u get that many gems in 50 keys

Yeah it isn’t typical. What I’m trying to say is that there are guaranteed rewards in Underspire but not in vault keys.

You can open up 500 keys and will not get a single major orb of glory (the equivalent of three Nysha medals for medaling a mythic troop). You might also only get a few hundred gems.

Then you maybe open up 50 keys and get 750 gems and an orb if you’re really lucky.

So it really depends on what a player needs and wants.

Underspire lacks deeds, though… And has a few useless (for endgamers) rewards like wisdom orbs and even ascension orbs…

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Glory Orbs will never be useless. I have come around on the topic of Underspire, decided that I can do it for the 2 Major Glory alone. Good mode!


I meant wisdom orbs. :sweat_smile: :joy:

I’ve been talking so much about how great it is to have the glory orbs, I blanked for a second there. :sweat_smile:

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Interesting hypothesis by a guild member: One of the reasons for the event restructuring is to reduce the number of Medals of Seasons.

It is at very least a noticable side effect.


What does it change tho? It’s not a worthy way to farm medals lol


This may be a silly question, but the tokens for featured troops never leave the reward pool for shiny keys right? They don’t like disappear to be readded later like other new troop introductions hopefully. I’ve just been trying to get the week 1 and week 2 featured troops to shiny level 2, but everytime I’ve pulled a non-featured troop in the following week it never seems to contain a previously featured troop token. Might just be my bad luck.


They’re still definitely in there to stay. It’s just a little more likely to get them during their introduction week.

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As the shiny troop pool grows, it will be almost impossible to find specific troops with 7 keys per week (some weeks). I highly recommend saving up a pile of keys until a good troop releases, then maxing it out during its release week. I think it’ll take something like 80 keys to do that, on average.

Problem is just that at the point you’ll have 80+ keys, the pool will be even more diluted.

Getting troops higher than level 1 will not be easy.

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Right, but there’s a flat drop rate for the featured weekly troop that will never change.

I guess if you really want to max out crysturtle or something you should do it asap.

This entire v1 of the Shiny Key system is messed up.

30 Troops Day 1
+1 troop per week

up to 7 Shiny Keys from Guild Events per week
4 keys from the Headstart offers
4 keys from Heroic Booster offers

God willing once people actually start getting a few level 3 troops from the original 30, each key will be worth 1/20 of 1 token.

Then, if they ever get around to actually making shiny options for the other 1200+ troops in the game…

I have no clue how 7/11/15 Shiny Keys was considered a good idea.

Then again, this game also thought the original pet delivery system was a good idea. Anyone with any foresight could see how much a problem it is to find a unique pet from a ever-growing large pool of pets. Their solution is pet orbs, which works, but seems like the easy way out. At this point I’d take any solution though.

Does that mean we’ll get Shiny orbs in the future to make up for this current system? :sweat_smile:


We still haven’t found Infernus’ Imp since it’s been in the pool. A pet orb won’t help if we don’t see any changes to the system.

Maybe if it gets a rescue but since its kingdom has already been in rotation but had a new pet, when may that ever be?

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This. A pet Gnome bait should let you choose which pet. While it would’nt fix the pet system, it would help.

I’ve been buying the headstart and heroic booster packs and I’ve not been able to get one troop to shiny level 2 yet, much to my dismay. I may be unlucky, but I thought the odds worked to be able to get a shiny level 2 of the current week’s featured troop. Before spending the rest of my keys this week I looked to see if I could realistically get this week’s troop to level 2 and I cannot, so I’m saving my remaining keys and I’ll spend them next week to hopefully get my first shiny level 2, and then maybe get lucky and pull the one or two to get the first few featured troops to shiny level 2.

Here’s a safe but not really that bold of a prediction:

They will introduce a “shiny” gnome this Christmas who drops 10-100 Shiny dust. (In intervals of 10, 20, 30, etc.)

This whole shiny troop upgrade nonsense is a poor attempt at getting us to spend more money. What’s next? Shiny weapons? God help us…:rofl: