7.0 Update: Underspire

I’m curious to see how the new weekly events play out. Not sure if shiny stuff is worth spending more gems on than orbs of glory in Underspire. The next couple of weeks should be a very interesting.

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i keep mind in a storage bin in the garage now.

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I got to play a different alt account - defeated 4 bosses with 1 torch left. Bought 0 things.

Extremely lucky run.


Hey, ich habe nach einer Woche noch nicht begreifen können, was das Ganze überhaupt für einen Sinn hat.
Zudem habe ich heute irgendwelche schillernden Token bekommen und hab keine Ahnung, was das nun wieder soll.

Schreib mir gerne ne DM was du nicht verstehst und ich helfe dir so gut ich kann. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just wanted to say that the new graphical part of update is terrible. I gave myself a week before writing this words. “Mayby I can used to it” I thought but no! Obiectivly speaking its chaos, not very readible and stats has bad positioning. Subiectivly speaking its awfull, all cards looks ugly (like one person said, like " unicorn rainbow puke"). I really hope you (developers) woudl reverse it or give us some options in graphic menu to turn it off or get back to graphicall version of 6.9 or even older. Becosue with each new graphic update games get uglier (but at last used to be ok…but now its not).


If you consider the number of players coming here to complaint about the new layout and compare to the total amount of players, they will ignore if we like it or not. I think there are only 2 possibilities that would make them revert completely the layout: 1) the update crashes the game making it impossible to load; 2) almost every single player delete their account stating that the reason is the new layout. Otherwise, they will only make a tweak here or there to avoid more problems with people with sight disabilities and everyone else who suck it up and get used to the new layout.

An option to revert to old layout if a player wishes would be too costly for them, to have both data loaded and different visual reactions or cues depending if it’s the old or new layout.

Unfortunately, we are stuck with the poor decisions from the management and deaf ears from those who could do any changes. We can’t totally blame Mods to not appear on this post to say anything, because they also may have their hands tied and have no power to do nothing except pass the info to the team. As soon a single mod post anything here, this person will become the focal point to all our frustrations, complaints and anger.


Ilmarien I hope you are not right. Otherwise one of my favourite games probably will be played rather rare. I still have hope that they change it back. The hope gives me the catastrophal background (transparent) update. They fully reversed it. But there game were truly unplayabale when it came (30sec before eye start to hurt back then). Not many people write about it on forum but I can see drop in guild activity. Many people forced themselves to finish guild wars but on new campaign most of my guild have now a break. The game supposed to be a pleasure, its played for fun after all :slight_smile: not pain in the… eye or mind which cannot accept uglyiness.


Yes, they did. But it was a minor adjustment on opacity. We are talking about layout for thousand of cards. It’s just like Trials. A lot of people complaining and they did? Minor adjustments that make it worse or less bad. They won’t make a complete reverse on this scale, specially when they can always argue that it was for the best and there are people liking it. People leaving the game is an expected consequence for Devs acts and choices. The point is what is the limit of players leaving they consider accepted to keep going? Unless there is a huge setback to their economy (even more than players not spending gems anymore on those new modes) they won’t change their mindset and the game will derail in the near future.

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Sadly, their takeaway if people leave in droves will probably be “there is no interest in this type of game anymore”, rather than “we done messed up and wasted money, better count or losses and stop fixing the unbroken”.


Anyone encounter any bosses yet during the 2nd week? I’m curious if the miniboss rewards are still the same.

fought the first boss, the reward was the same

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Almost forgotten with the card redesign debacle ongoing, but I do like the new Underspire mode. I ended up wasting a bunch of gems for not much in return this first week, but I did enjoy it. Now that I know what’s going on in it, going forward it should be even better.

Hi all,

I just wanted to pop in to let you know the feedback from the update has been getting passed onto the development team for consideration.

We have also prioritised the accessability feedback in our reports to the team.


@Kafka sorry for bothering.
Our questions about weekend events remain unaswered.
Will there be events-free weekends, or is it now just 4 events rotation?

Thank you for the update. I hope all the accessibility and visibility problems will be resolved quickly.


Not trying to shoot the messenger, that sounds like awfully bad news though:

1.) The development team is safely locked away in some ivory tower, the only input it receives is some aggregated feedback.
2.) The feedback has been passed on, even a week later there is no indication yet that someone even looked at it.
3.) Eventually the feedback will get taken into consideration, just like the feedback regarding broken shop offers, blocked kingdom progression and crafting targeted gem dragons, to name a few.

Is there any way to get someone from the development team over here? Preferably someone who can change simple things, like increasing the font size of life/armor numbers, without having to plan two years ahead? Our guild family has lost half a dozen long-time members the past week, because they found themselves unable to play the game on small screens after the update. I’m sure other guilds are in a similar situation, and it sure looks like your company once again couldn’t care less.


No one dev decides on everything in the game and it’s better to have staff involved in those processes doing their work so we can get resolutions implemented sooner than posting to the forum.

We take time to let everyone try out the new update and get used to things and share their feedback before making decisions also.

I’ll give you more news as I receive it.


Where i can find shiny keys @Kafka

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The staff that brought us the visual update, without even realizing how much it interferes with actually playing the game? The staff that hasn’t responded to, or even acknowledged any of the feedback the community provided in regards to the visual update? The staff that for all practical purposes isn’t even aware something like the player community exists, and might be well served to send an envoy to actually learn what players care about?

Which begs the question, how much time will you take this time to let everybody get used to things, before even considering making any decisions at all? Update 7.1? Update 8.0? Update 10.0, for the next UI rework? Or just a few weeks, until all those unable to reasonably play any longer have left, requiring no further action?

What players need now is something, anything to make them hang on a bit longer. It’s perfectly clear that you won’t roll back the graphics update, or even make any major changes. But there has to be some communication on short-term plans for making the game less unplayable, even if it’s just minor things. As it stands right now, there aren’t even plans for short-term plans, there’s just radio silence and tumbleweeds.

That’s the customer friendly way of saying you also don’t know what’s going on and wouldn’t bet on ever receiving any further news.