6.2 Update: The Secret Hoard

Explore 12 is the best way to get 3 Nysha.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one can hear it. Does it make a sound?
If Gems of War releases an update that 100% of players have the ability to buy a new pass on but only 1% get to enjoy the new content. Does 505 Games give a frank what are feedback is?

We are all just “lost souls swimming in a fish bowl” paycheck after paycheck to them.

*100% is supposed to be able to buy it but that was buggered upon release. Company makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year but can’t afford a real QA team. Instead they rely on PC exclusive non-payed beta testers. And act shocked when other platforms are bugged upon release.


Here’s a funny feedback from my friend:

“There was a patch? I had no idea”
He also had no idea what was new in the patch. He never reads patch notes on their server / news posts.

“What? there’s adventure hero stuff? where?!”
Again, he noticed there was something new but had no idea where it was in the game, what it meant, or where to find it (“on the profile page?! I even looked there, I didn’t see it”).

And then after he completed it:
“Why the heck is that big ugly low res button on my map screen? I shouldn’t have completed this crap”

He’s played the game as long as me (we started at same time), has similar played time & levels etc. But… he never pays attention to anything related to social media, news posts etc etc, he just mindlessly plays it casually in the evening after work.


6.2 Update: The Secret Update*


No guild admin should have to write to guild chat “it’s the ball right next to your hero’s stomach” I’m sure some guildies are still looking for it…


They’re shooting themselves in the foot with their bad update notes, especially not having anything ingame.

We’ve been discussing hero pass and deathknight armor came up. One guildmate hadn’t even realized yet that they have lowered the price.

You should think that they’d at least make sure everyone knows about stuff they monetize but not even that.

Why not send a small message with updates at least so people know there is something?

But if they don’t even care enough about what could bring them money…


I’m still confused on whether or not the icon below the medals is supposed to be there. I’ve completed all of it so I’m not sure why it’s there.


It was reported in testing so looks like it’s an intended feature. :nauseated_face:

I really hope a few more voices pointing out that it’s really distracting and in the way on the world map makes a difference


Remove that blue thing on world map below the medals. I’m fine if it pops up visible again if there are new stuff to collect or quests to do but as there is nothing to do, it should go away.


It rather looks like it is plugged in the wrong way around. As far as I could tell that huge button on the world map isn’t visible as long as you have rewards to collect, it only shows up once there are no more rewards waiting for you. I’d make a bug report for it but they seem to ignore them as regularly as testing reports.


I’m concerned that the new icon is missing a persistent green exclamation point to remind me that it needs to be ignored. I wonder if a bug report has been submitted for that yet?