505games.com is DOWN

@Saltypatra @Alpheon

  1. The 505games.com website is down. Please inform the correct person.

  2. Should console players still be using that support site as our help desk ticket site for issues?

EDIT: Lots of console players are complaining they are having issues with the server. Huge lag, crashes etc. I haven’t see any my self, but Its quite a few from all over the world (not localized).


Console can also report issues to the GoW zendesk. https://gemsofwar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us If 505 is down, I suggest submitting tickets there.

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I just checked our dashboard and the servers are running fine - our support has only received 3 requests in the last 2 hours, all of which are unrelated to server issues.


Thanks for looking into this.

And just as an FYI, before trying to the website and finding it offline (in an effort to tell them where to go for help), I asked the main Xbox Gems club if anyone had opened a ticket or reported it.

Hunan nature being what it is, you can guess the number that tried (hint: you don’t need any hands or fingers).