50 Deeds is needed for 1 Book of Deeds

First of all it was 5.1 Update where Book of Deeds were introduced not before 5.0. 5.1 Update - Official News - Gems of War | Forums

In this update you also saw the vault upgrade. I know many are upset still with the drop rates of EVK but you are getting a lot more guaranteed vault keys for your efforts now and that does outweigh the EVK drop rate concern. But let’s move on to your other incorrect or wildly subjective issues.

I hope you go back and read on the 5.1 update thread. You will see t’s mostly negative comments. It’s overwhelmingly negative when it comes to the book of deeds. The positive comments were mostly in regards to the bug fixes and vault key changes. Most agreed the book of deeds cost to much and the concern was it was moving the goal posts again, years into the future for completionists. There were a few players coming out against the negativity but more so because there was no constructive feedback presented in those posts. Everyone has a right to complain. If done in the right way, it does make an impact and can change the game direction. But as we have also seen this year, the devs are going to do what they want to do regardless of the forum rabble rabbles.

lol, that’s the argument you think is best made against your post? I think it’s very well known that the developers listen to feedback. Sunpear change is a good example but there are countless others. I know the developers listen to feedback, but they don’t implement everything that is requested and I know they are less likely to listen to feedback if its hostile in nature. Sure, having mass mob protests like Sunspear can work, but they had protests for Epic Tasks and that’s still a thing. I think a lot of this is the player base not understanding how the game system works. Which brings me to the OP concern and your misunderstanding of how resources work.

Completely agree with this actually. As a resource gets devalued it will also become more easily obtainable. Now, this isn’t always the case (doom scrolls), but in most cases resources are easier to obtain over time. This is both to help newer players catch up and gives older players something else to chase since that resource is not something they need as much anymore.

Most resources when introduced are very scarce. It was that way for deeds/writs in the beginning. Most will argue it’s still very scarce but being in an active guild that completes Epic Tasks and all events, you’ll be obtaining those resources at a moderate rate. But that is subjective I admit.

They never said you were meant to upgrade all kingdoms to level 15 in a year after 5.1. They just set that mark, the players set how long it should take. Same goes for power levels. Upgrading the power level of a kingdom to level 24 will require that kingdom level to be 16. The first kingdom to get to power level 22 will be in March with most well after that. If the game is prioritizing power levels over kingdom levels, than it makes sense a majority of the game can’t get to level 16 on most kingdoms since it won’t be of use to power levels until late 2021 or 2022. So the idea that players should have instant access to kingdom levels makes little sense progression wise. It’s only the players who have very maxed out accounts that are the ones truly complaining about this. Same goes for those complaining about imperial deed offers. They are meant to be rare, just because you have a maxed account does not mean you should have it offered everyday, that is utterly ridiculous.

Once most players start reaching level 15 on most kingdoms you will start to see a deeds become easier to obtain (I would guess). Just like you saw with the orb change recently where you now have a 1% chance to pull a power orb from a major orb. I suspect down the line the same will happen to deeds/writs. There will be another way to obtain them and probably another resource to replace the current scarcity of book of deeds to keep things consistent. Deed Bookshelf!

The carrot will always continue to be dangled. If the carrot stop being dangled and progression is halted, a hard wall is hit(all kingdoms fully maxed and nothing to chase). That’s when the game would likely lose support. Gems isn’t meant to be won, only played. If that’s not something your FOMO can handle, than that’s on you.

TL;DR - Progression is intentionally slow. Older players will see a progression throttle or soft wall, while newer players will see quicker progression compared to when the older players played, but will have more things to catch up to long-term. Resources that are super scarce now, will likely be easier to obtain later when the required power levels are reachable.