5.1 Update

On my Nokia 8 the Daemon Gnome’s image and spell image are not loading either (after a 7MB download of presumably everything else).

Like @awryan, the card appears in Unowned, so hopefully it was in the drop table and I didn’t waste those 25 Vault Keys.

Edit: I was on Hard for all keys.

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Can you dev hack and give yourself enough keys and stats to wipe through hard difficulty vaults in seconds to see if it’s dropping there? On Android of course please.

It’s dropping there, it’s either in the Vault or not, it’s not tied to difficulty or device. Same release data for every platform except Switch.


Maybe the forge is just the last option, so deeds wont become the new souls…

A day far, far away :grin:

I think the main source for books will be a different one.

Like @awryan, I downloaded all assets and restarted the game and have this (on a Fire 10 HD… Now let’s see if tne pic can be uploaded this time.)

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If it’s bugged though it would be different per platform.

Like the image being bugged…

Sure, but there IS a rotation, which means this is something the devs can directly control. I don’t think asking for clarification on this is inappropriate.

I’m fairly confident I won’t get an answer, but I am going to keep asking the question. This Campaign sets the tone/expectations for future ones and I consider the degree of “wait” that free players are going to be forced into to be a valid concern.

(As stated elsewhere, I don’t consider simply adding the new Mythic to chests to be solving the issue. No experienced player is going to spend resources on a 1 in 50-something chance to randomly pull the right mythic from chests with a 1:100 (VIP), 1:1000 (Gem), or 1:10,000( Glory) drop rate for that rarity. They’re going to wait and craft.)

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@Arelana I’ve asked a designer and will let you know.

@awryan images and troop data are 2 completely separate things.
Looks like there might be an issue with the Daemon Gnome art on some Android devices though, a programmer is looking into it now. Will update with more information once they’ve checked it out and I’ve gotten back from lunch.


I have no more information than you do, but there is no way to leave deed acquisition rates as they are presently, while adding new sinks for deeds. Maybe the new sources will be behind a paywall (Elite pass, etc.) but there will be a new way to acquire deeds.

But please check to see that the hard difficulty isn’t bugging the drop rates at all.
From my experience…
(I’ve SS’D them all but won’t spam here.)
Of the 40 keys I’ve received exactly…

8 Major orbs
9 Troop rewards (5 Cedrics)

Then gold, keys, gems, ect

I can’t recall how often the Major felt like they dropped before. But the troop number seems low. While the Cedric ratio has always felt broken… yet probably working as intended.

I was on PC when I done mine.

I done 10 keys to get the new Gnome, and I think I got 3 or 4 other gnomes during those 10 keys.

Pulled the Daemon Gnome with only 20 keys awryan and art downloaded on iPhone :grinning:

Played on Hard for all battles. Got 110% rewards. Very interesting to see 5 gems rounded to 6 gems. Got 100 gems to 110 once also, which makes sense.

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Got more orbs than usual for 20 keys. Many Cedrics but also a Glory Gnome. Gems and gold seemed Normal. Most of the orbs were Wisdom but also 1 major clans and 1 major Ascension. All in all, seems normal for iPhone… except (like I said above) was happy to see 5 gem reward rounded to 6!

Good luck troubleshooting Android!

I’m happy for you all that are getting it on other platforms besides Android Mobile.
But there’s a reason I was specific about my question. :grinning:

Feel free to still post here if you feel it necessary. I request that you don’t tag me or reply to my comment though.

(In other words don’t alert me about the opposite of what I actually asked for.)

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Why do you think Android is bugged?

@Nimhain @Sirrian why on earth would you make the spell cost 50 purple? Seems outrageous? :rofl:

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@awryan I got it after 4 keys in a Samsung galaxy s10e, the art still won’t load but it’s in the drop table


Updates don’t benefit players only 505

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And what Mythstones are for? I can’t see any use for them right now.

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They are needed for the boss battles in explore.