4.8 Update (Patch Notes)

Thanks for pointing this out - we need to say this loudly and often about alternate scoring conditions. A very easy fix is to cap the points earned per battle (like souls, gold, and maps are capped). They just need to remember to actually do that. Otherwise, we’re running looping teams that remove skulls to do 0 skull damage, or other ridiculous shenanigans.

It would be great to get a dev confirmation that points/battle will be capped. This can’t be allowed to turn into an “oops, we didn’t think of that and now it’s stuck that way. Enjoy your 8 hour battles” situation.

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4.9 Leaked patch notes:

  • Archer’s legendary trait Bullseye is too similar to the Assassin legendary trait Assassinate, so we’ve changed it to give +2 Bonus green mana
  • Assassin’s legendary trait Assassinate is too similar to the Archer Legendary trait Bullseye, so we’ve changed it to give +2 Bonus red mana
  • Barbarian’s legendary trait Barbaric Fury is too similar to every talent in the War talent tree, so we’ve just removed it entirely. You’ve got enough Attack already.
  • Bard’s legendary trait Bardic Inspiration is too similar to a number of Mythic troops who do the same thing for completely different colors. You’re just a hero class, not a mythic! We’re just going to delete this class and release a Mythic troop that does the same thing in the future.
  • The Knight’s legendary trait Full Plate is too similar to its Level 100 talent Armor Plating. They both give 2 armor per turn! We’ve completely redesigned this one. Now you gain 0 Armor every turn. Our internal testing has shown it never really made a difference in the outcome of any game anyway.
  • We heard you like spiders, so now Orbweaver’s legendary trait Familiar instead summons Dokkalfar, who can summon a Giant Spider, who can summon a Spider Swarm, so you can summon spiders while you summons spiders.
  • Plaguebearer’s Legendary trait Contagion is too similar to its talent Plaguebearer. On 4+ green matches, it was diseasing TWO enemies! That’s like having double Firestorms with Sunspear! He is called the Plaguelord though… so we’re going to let this one slide… but it’s on our radar…
  • Priest’s legendary trait Divine Aura is too similar to its level 100 talents Divinity and Eternal Summer. We really like that +2 thing so we’re going with yellow on that.
  • Warden’s legendary trait Ward is literally the same thing as its talent Wall of Vines for green troops, so we’re changing it to give +2 Bonus mana to all colors. It’s time for Warden to really shine, cuz no one has used this class in years.
  • We’ve heard from a number of players that Life and Death wasn’t functioning properly against enemies that were immune to Death Mark, so now it will Curse the last two enemies before applying Death Mark. Also it will Dispel them first so the Life Steal goes through.

You forgot that they expected everyone to use monk, but since it didn’t have 100% usage, they gave it invulnerable and now it gives all allies 3 mana on 4+ matches now.

1000% Danny seldom takes issues or makes more than a joke. He helps anyone and is one of the sweetest funniest people in gems. So if these are his posts reason says . . ?
My reason says because you guys actually ruined a good thing. I’m not angry I expect it now. Just dont play like you didn’t know you were ruining a good thing please.
It’s rough enough being mistreated without the people doing it acting like they didn’t know.
“I’m sorry I was wrong” doesn’t just apply to marriage. It would defo be a good line for you guys to practice cause even a lot of your loyal gamers are very unhappy.

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New events, changes to existing events - hard to offer feedback before I’ve actually participated in any of them, so I’m leaving this space blank for now.

Medals - new placement is a lot better, cheers for that. Three presets are a bit better than what we had before, however - changes still require going all the way up to world map, then going back to where you were before (and then discover that your delve team hasn’t been saved, for example)…personally, I cannot be really bothered with it, so I only change medals when I plan to use a specific setup for an extended period of time.
But big thumbs down for the new medal visuals. Why was it necessary, again? One might think it would be easier to make newly-introduced medals in the same visual line with those that already exist…instead you think it’s better to make changes other way around and make them all look a lot worse. Wasted time and resources, I think, that could’ve been put to a much better use by, for example, trying to solve some serious issues.

And then we have the Sunspear issue…
I’ve mulled it over in my head for the entire day (first read patch notes in the morning before departing to work, now writing after returning home) to put it without using expletives and such, but hearing this

after we’ve been told this:

I simply cannot see it any other way than a double insult to my intelligence.
If you really think it’s all okay and stuff, maybe your crew could, for once, put your money where your mouth is?
Originally my illustration involved talking about actual money, but there is a much better way:

You transfer to my account 100 dollars worth of gems, then withdraw 100 cents worth of gems from my account. Rinse and repeat this procedure for every member on your crew that agrees with the above-quoted statements.

Both are “1” followed by “00”; it’s the same thing, isn’t it? You should have no issues with doing that transaction for every player because, when we do the math, nothing (according to official stance) really changes, does it?
Fine, sarcasm part off.

I can see two possible takeways from this particular mess - either we’re interacting with insolent liars or with people who doesn’t have a slightest clue about the issue they’re supposedly fixing, since they’re doing the worst possible thing.


The people in charge of this game have really, really disappointed me. There are already so many useless classes, or classes with no identity. I might as well just keep rolling Titan every game, but that is only fun for so long. It is nice to have options, instead we are met with a reduction of usable content in the game. This doesn’t want me to keep supporting you guys. Over the years I have gained 2 accounts with VIP 6. Yes, I have enjoyed this free game, and supported that job you are sitting in now because I loved what it had to offer. Now I’m questioning if it’s even worth it anymore.

I’d dry my tears with toilet paper but there is none to be found. You have done us wrong, and the way it was done feels insulting. (echoing many of the comments above about taking us for fools)


I know my voice means nothing to the devs, but will say I do not like the change to Sunspear.

I wish all the class trees made sense and there was a huge thread when it was rolled out pointing out all the issues. It also does not make sense only a few trees at L100 are worth the effort. The vast majority have spent so much of their free time trying to provide helpful suggestions, creating charts, websites, and less then 5% of the suggestions are implemented. At some point you just stop caring and the original players get quieter and quieter.

I use to believe that “the next patch” is going to help the end gamers, but it never comes around. We still can’t figure out delves (Faction runs, actual teams created, taking way to much time to complete), class trees, weapons, assigning class load outs to a team, being able to select medals in pvp/event menus, getting pets we need or only 1 if it’s not mythic, fair AI GW battles vs slot machine antics we see in Bracket 1, etc.

Seems we spend more time changing the graphics, making the game more grindy and repetitive, but every once in a while we get something sweet, but it seems few and far between.

I am still playing the game, but not to the extent I use to. One of these updates will eventually push me out, but the only reason I am still here is the bonds I have formed with some of the players who are still in the game.


When the majority of the playerbase (in this case 95% of it according to that poll over there and I think you’ve seen it) disagrees with a decision, you are wrong, not us. And trying to justify your reasons repeatedly makes it seem like you believe that if you say it a few more times, we’ll understand it better and a lightbulb will go off and we’ll say “Oh, wow, what a great change, now that I’ve read your explanation one hundred times, now it makes sense.”


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I am completely against the changes to sunspear, not sure if you read my other posts in this thread… but like I said, low level explore is a one turn battle, therefore the enemy has no chance to overwrite your storm. And as far as farming medals go, this doesnt affect it at all, medals are farmed the fastest on level 12 in urskaya using scorpius. What is completely ruined is pho usage in pvp and GW… It was a great counter to orbweaver LnD, absolutely desteoys that team in 2 or 3 casts of pho…


Player start of battle traits happen before enemy start of battle traits.

Elwyn, Stringfiddler, Harpy, and Qilin will get to overwrite the firestorm with their traits, before you get your first turn. That takes Zaejin, Pan’s Vale, Suncrest, and (to a lesser degree) Shentang out of the running for viable explore farming kingdoms with that team.


True… well might I suggest another speedy yet high damage output team for you to low level explore with…
Doomed blade Titan, princess elspeth, penguin, penguin…
Same concept for any doomed skull gen weapon and 2 GW stat boosting troops of the.same color as weapon…

This also one-shots low level content:
Princess Elspeth, Fire Ruby Staff, Kraken, Aurai.
Works with most classes for fast leveling too.

Thanks for the laugh. Sad but true…btw I do have some extra toilet paper we can share it to dry our tears together.

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What a ridiculous fallacy. Of course you can change it back.


We may all recall the recent forum policing that the devs implemented. “This is constructive criticism blah blah and this is useless feedback blah blah blah”. Clearly the delivery of ANY feedback is irrelevant having seen this crock of shite. The message from them is clear…


I do not have Facebook or Twitter accounts, and I am not able to view your streams Live. My voice is therefore not as loud or as valued as others, apparently.

Please fix Carved and Watery, and post to your other social accounts as necessary. Much obliged.

(My Sunspear was only Lvl 34, so I am not as outraged as others. But only because I didn’t realize how awesome it was, and now no longer is).


They changed the Trait, not the Talent.

While I’ve made a few posts in this thread already, I don’t think I’ve added my opinion. I usually avoid piling on in situations like this, since other people have said what I’m already feeling. But it’s been made clear that the number of times they hear the same feedback matters.

Ignoring what actually changed with Sunspear, my biggest issue is that this class was changed by itself, before other classes were buffed/tweaked. As Mithran and maybe others said, class improvements was talked about on a Dev Stream 6-7 months ago. I can link the exact video and tell you time it was talked about, because I went back and rewatched it yesterday.

The devs talked about old classes’ 3rd traits aren’t in line with new classes and how they wanted to change them. Warden was brought up as a specific example. Then they said they’d probably wait until they had a group of class changes ready and release them together, rather 1 by 1.

Well, half a year later and we finally see a class change, and it’s Sunspear by itself. Where are the other class fixes? Surely you’ve heard the same amount of complaints about Warden, Knight, etc. I know nothing said on streams is set in stone, but what happened to releasing several class fixes at once? Why was it so important to get the Sunspear class change out now, and not just wait until some other ones were ready? The way this change was released definitely makes me (and others) think there’s an ulterior motive.


Probably because it took absolutely no effort on their part to put this change into the game. The code for this was already being used by Corsair and Archmagus, the only difference being now there is a Red one to go with the Blue and Purple. No need to write any new code, no need to brainstorm a new trait, just copy and paste.

…until the next troops released for Urskaya are either Impervious or poison-immune, and show up in EVERY SINGLE Explore battle.

Because having a team without a counter is, like, exploiting, or something. :roll_eyes: