4.5 Update Patch Notes

Well that sounds insane to me, dont you think? We have no other way to grind for those, so hoping for RNG to grant us anything is wrong. A single deed could have been asigned to common, 2 deeds to rare, 3 deeds to ultra rare tasks. We still wouldnt get them every day, but they at least would appear slightly more often. It would be nicer to have a sensation of “farming” them, even at a rate of 2-3 every couple of days.


You are supposed to buy the Flash Offers.


Any plans to go in and remove the extra troop copies from the player(s) still Exploiting this bug on their team builds? @Cyrup or @Kafka

(Bonus knowledge, one of the players said they did it just to point out that the bug exists. Yet, even though the bug is fixed now. They still have at least 3 copies of a troop that they haven’t actually earned. I guess they’re waiting on the devs to go in and waste their time with it. :roll_eyes:)

The best kind of knowledge!

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I never hoped for the deed system we have in 4.5 to work. That’s stupid. I’m hoping they either massively buff it or give us something else. Or both, but that seems unrealistic.

Reminder: still won’t be worth anything even with all several hundred deeds. Those stats are still pathetic.


If only there were some legacy game modes that are yet to be revamped that could reward deeds as incentives to players to participate in these revamped modes. The thirst is obviously quite real for deeds.

Completely optional experiences, of course. After all, players can continue to pray to RNGesus for deeds to show up on the AB instead of playing whatever these revamps end up being.

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I was not using it only to point out that the bug exists. I got lots of positive feedback for that defense, which people found amusing and which clearly conveyed no real advantage.

But, you know, thanks for the fun police reminder, so now I have a defense up that only requires 115 mana to fill instead of 128.

Cool… Most exploits do receive a lot of positive feedback. Doesn’t make it not an Exploit. As I told you, the first day you came into global showing it off. :man_shrugging:

The path of the self-righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men

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Preach all you want… Still an Exploit.
Because praise or acceptance doesn’t change that a bug existed that you exploited. They fixed the bug… You continued to exploit it. And you didn’t care until I pointed it out to the devs that people like you still have builds that took advantage of the bug. You could of just changed it and did the right thing. But no, you fixed it, then lashed out because you didn’t feel like you should of had to change it.
If you want to use 4 Zuul’Goth on defense… Cool. EARN THEM and then you can. You’ll then have my “blessing” to do so… Exploit free. :grinning:

Ahahahah. No really. Ahahaha

Didn’t we have two of these mediocre AB tasks yesterday?

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I feel like Runic has been the third task every day this week outside of Imperial deeds day.
This whole deal is just a mess. It’s a great way to piss off your players and then blame “RNG”. Like they aren’t the ones who designed the RNG to produce crap rewards 98% of the time from my perspective. 88% of the time for mid gamers. 78% of the time for new players. Pissing over 3/4 people off each day is way too much of the community.


Just(?!) one, I think:

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Just wait for tomorrow, we are getting 3 common tasks :joy:

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Or just two tasks.


Still better than todays tasks.

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I actually finished the gold key tasks, I am greedy.


When “gold key” tasks start looking good. Then it’s clear that the adventure board “rewards” need some rebalancing.


The AB should have stayed random for everyone and the deeds should have been a special event

Its dumb knowing we all have the same stupid lame board. I was ok getting some crappy ABs when Id see my guildies get good ones.