@ONOPALAVER Thank you, this is fixed in the next update.
@Jainus Were you doing these battles in Arena?
The dev team fixed a few causes of the extra turn bug occurring, if it’s still happening we will need a lot of details and steps to reproduce the problem
Thank you, the dev team has fixed this in the next update, 3.6. Unfortunately it’s not something that can be fixed Suna on the server.
@Shimrra @actreal Thank you, this seems related to Calv1n’s issue, so I’ve made a note of that for the dev team
@Strat Please clarify what you mean by “kicked out of the game”. Did the game close? Crash with an error message? Freeze? What is your platform?
@fishinia Have you noticed any other visual oddities? And sorry ,what’s your platform?
@Santandrix fixed in the next update
@Rickygervais Please contact support