Gem Assassins is one of the most active guilds on xbox with many friendly and dedicated players.
We are #4 on the leaderboard. We have our own xbox club to enjoy the game and for discussions.
We are completing all tasks including many legendary tasks and get 40k seals each week. We average 800k+ gold per player. Thus, plenty of bonuses and rewards.
We are looking for top players doing 500k+ gold, 1500 seals and 300 trophies per week.
If you want to join our surge, please contact gamertag: Mrs Affects
Hello, I would liketo join, I’m lvl 780 750-1mill/wk 300+ trophies and 1500 seals. I have death armor and lvl 10 in the money dept. leme know if you are interested. im in Joshatron now.
Im very active and looking for a good GUILD cant seem to find one. Im ranked in the top 20 for PVP this week and want to find a guild that contributes as much as I do. I have never missed getting my 1500 seals in a week and could make 500k gold no problem.
My invite code: N0NXXX_ZGNC (The “0” could be a zero or the letter I cant remember or tell)