[28/30] The Elders - Active, Friendly Guild Recruiting

The Elders are currently looking for 2 new members. We are an active, friendly, relaxed, middle-tier guild. We have many 1100, 1200, 1300, and 1400+ level members, but are also beginner-friendly. We often collaborate in the in game chat with discussion of strategies for weekly events (optional Discord too, but it’s not as active as our in-game chat). We complete all weekly tasks, get 40k seals each week, and usually complete all the epic tasks as well. If you’re new to the game and not in a guild already, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the rewards you’ll get after joining a guild (keys, shards, gems, etc…).

Our requirements are 60k gold and 600 seals per week with no real trophy requirement (at least 1 trophy per week to show that you did something other than drop gold on tasks, pop some clan orbs to get your 600 seals, and checkout). Not a quantitative requirement like the gold/seals/trophies, but you’ll need to pretty regularly participate in some weekly events. Not everyone enjoys every event, so this is not a hard and fast relentless requirement for every single weekly event. We just keep our finger on the pulse of membership casually to be sure things are fair for everyone and folks aren’t regularly abusing the heavy participants week by week and month by month by not contributing to any event efforts at all. You’ll get plenty of warnings, and weeks of grace if participation is not where expected because we all have lives and families and health issues, and in general life stuff just happens, sometimes for weeks at a time.

If you are a newer player, you may not need to contribute any gold at first. If you have not leveled your kingdoms to 10 yet, you can focus on that before contributing. If you play even a moderate amount, then 600 seals should be no problem. 60k gold is nothing for mid to higher level players. Most of us voluntarily contribute much, much more gold than that (1 million plus) to increase the rewards for all of us while still allowing a few new players who are leveling kingdoms the waiver on the gold requirement.

Also, if you’ve been in a hyper-competitive guild and need to scale back a bit for your mental and physical health, we just may be the right kind of guild for you. Moving to a middle-tier, relaxed guild may be exactly what you need to enjoy the game again rather than just grinding till you burnout.

I’ve been a member for 5+ years now, and if they still put up with a filthy casual like me, you will be welcome too. If you’d like to join us, send me a message.