2 Mythics in 3 Legendary Tasks

If something has been buffed, it is only the drop rate. The items you can get in each table are the same.
And I haven’t noticed any change in the drop rate either so far.
Maybe we can make some stats at the end of this week.

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We are done with LTs for this week, so we have some stats.
I wouldn’t talk about a buff, but there have been some minor adjustments in the drop rate.
Hereafter is a comparison between the drop rates of this week (sample = 150 LTs) and the drop rates before this week (sample = 1,065 LTs).
The number of items is slightly lower in table 1 and 2 because there have been a few LTs in which an item was missing.


We have also noticed that the drop rate of the arcanes are very different. Not sure if it is because our sample is too small or if it is a will of the devs.


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I’d tend towards sample size being too small (I can’t see why the devs would go for anything but even drop rate on Arcanes), but it’s worth keeping an eye on in case.

Great work collecting these stats!

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Thanks for the stats!

And really, why are minor stones in LTs still a thing?


They used to do it with the drop rates of the legendary troops a long time ago, so why not with the arcanes?
But it can also very well be because the sample is too small for the moment.

Thanks. We use these stats to check that none of our members misses some rewards. :stuck_out_tongue:


Guild of Thieves on Xbox, we got 5 mythics in LT (Aby, Wulf, Plague, Death, Plague). I would say an average of 1 every 150-200 LT is what we had so far. (just a very approximate guess)


I will pretend to know the missing item and tell them it was Famine! Some members of my guild will be happy! :wink:
More seriously, it was the 1st time ever we received only 2 rewards. As it happened to you too this week, its probably a change from the devs and not a bug.

Most of the time people claim missing rewards is the same keys from table one and two like 6 gems keys is actually 2 pulls as an example.

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It wasn’t the first time it was happening to us and the devs have sent a compensation to each member of the guild. So definitely a bug.

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ooh ok good to know. We still didnt contact customer support about that. I think we will! :laughing: Thank you for the info!