So, since the tribute statue bonuses don’t affect the numbers in the kingdom interface, I was wondering exactly how they stacked. I’m pretty sure tribute amount bonus is just a flat multiplier after all things considered (hopefully not rounded per kingdom), but what about tribute chance?
We have +4% tribute chance. For my level 10 3* kingdoms, would that be:
24% chance per kingdom? (10% * 2 + 4%)
28% chance per kingdom? (14% * 2)
20.8% chance per kingdom? (20% * 1.04)
The first makes the most sense, but I would like to get an official response on this. @Sirrian
Quite interested to find out if the tribute chance bonus is +x% per kingdom. If so, my guild’s lowbie members are about to be showered in tribute compared to before. 6 free levels on 24 kingdoms.
Do guild tasks’ cost scale with the number of guild members? In other words, does having a few non-playing guild members make tasks more expensive for no benefit to the playing members?
When you max 1500 seals then have unclaimed seals at the end of the week . What happens to the unclaimed seals ?
When you max out forthe week . What happens when you hit the claim button ?
I thought i read they are mailed out to you.
If so do they count for the next week?
So if you did 3k seals in a week . Next week you wouldn’t need any … right ?
If they are sent to you do they count twords guild total seal count for guild chest ?
Would suppose so
So … am I blind, or there’s no Activity log like there used to be? Can’t check who contributed to which task, or how fast my battles are (unless I run the stopwatch myself, but can’t see other guild members), or who is pvping right now?
Are we going to get it back or it’s been removed permanently? (it really needed bit of filtering, not removing )
-The seal system is boring, i have to be claimming this every thing I do a fight not to loose seals? c’mon it’s a insanity
-I wont fight in arena, it’s simply a horrible mode, enhance the arena and then, maybe, we will play, until then, the arena will keep death
-What’s the max level os statues and why i have to ask it in the forum and the game don’’ inform me propertly?