2.0 Will Be Arriving Shortly

Congrats :smiley:

@sirrian whenever I start a PvP my team defaults to my defence team not to my last used team… Kinda annoying!?

It’s in known issues - we’ll be getting a fix out asap

Also I levelled up to 1001, but now have done several wins since and not gained any more EXP?

After every fight I go back to rank 15, is that normal or is it just that crazy right now?

A few others have reported it in the Known Issues thread.

in PVP, it seems to deduct the points for losing even when I win. So I only get the net points, which is often a net loss for a win.

Can we talk about emperina being in glacial peaks?

In what respect? Storyline wise?

Storyline wise, she is in there which has me confused, i thought dragons dislike the cold. Does this mean i get another dragon or two different troops, i will find out as i complete the story but i will not spoil what the story is just random characters.

It’s worth noting that Sparkgrinder shows up in Khaziel. I mean there is a storyline behind it, and it doesn’t happen till after you finish the main story line in Khaziel, but maybe they’re trying something similar?

If they are then that makes the storyline even more diverse. I wonder if it is possible for the story to be different if i did not have her.

I’m not sure, but the part in Khaziel that uses Sparkgrinder does require that you’ve at least done the first quest in Adana I hear, so it might be something similar here?


This seems to be working slightly different than how I interpreted the above, although the summoning tool tip describes it correctly. The limit is actually the max level of the summoned troop.

Example: In my troop list I have level 18 epic Giant Spiders and level 8 rare Spider Swarms. The Giant Spider says it will summon a level 19 Spider Swarm. What is actually summoned is a level 16 Spider Swarm (because they have been ascended once to rare).

I’m guessing this is mostly a textual bug left over from Summons being affected purely by magic rating.

@Ozball and @Moofed

The summons are identical to the copy you have in your personal collection (rarity, traits and level) but can be capped by the summoners Magic stat for example:

You have a giant spider with 20 magic and in your collection have a spider swarm at level 17 (it is also ultra rare): you will summon a level 17 ultra rare spider swarm.

Now if your spider swarm is level 20 mythic and your giant spider only had 17 magic: you will summon a level 17 mythic spider swarm.

So the magic level of the summoner sets the “level cap” of the troop summon but the summoned creature will be identical to the copy in your collection but it’s level can’t exceed the summoners Magic level (the cap)

I hope this helps someone

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