Now I know which ones not to show you
Peasant (lol, totally serious. I am really curious)
Goblin Shaman
Green Slime
Shadow Dragon
This list would be endless if it could… xD
I almost don’t care which units you show; I just want to see more.
I want to know all of the things. All of the things.
You Siren…
Do these kind of effects stack? Such as multiple greedy or multiple jinx?
Yes, they do.
How do they stack? additive or multiplicative?
I know you guys (and girls) are working the most you can to bring us this update. I also know you are waiting for apple approval, and time of update isn’t in your hands so please be straight with us. Is it likely that we will get it before 21st or we will have to wait next year?
Well I hope it is before 24… I need something to grinch my way out of christmas.
Exactly, would be a shame if all that free time around Christmas doesn’t go to upgrading at least a couple troops to mythic and collecting a bunch of traitstones.
so 4 Peasants with full traits would get:
+2 attack (for having 4x humans)
+6 life (2 for having 4x humans, 4 for having 4 blue allies)
+12 armor (2 for having 4x humans, 10 for 4x swords edge)
93% reduction of masteries (*0.5)
+25 water mastery (4 blue troops)
+8 gold when matching
And still be mostly useless! Pitchfork that
I dunno, that would be a hilarious defense team…
Like my 4 Fortress Gates. Very curious about its traits!
Seeing mythic legendaries is just making me sad because I doubt I’ll ever have any beyond Goblin King.
What makes me sad is you already puting yourself in that box.
It’s looking good. But I can’t guarantee anything.
Multiplicative, I believe.
This is just a test account I have. On my live account I only have 1 legendary with more than 1, Webspinner for which I have 2.