(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

All the new Guardians:


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Ice Surge (12 Blue)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Blue and a chosen type. Deal [Magic + 1] damage randomly split among enemies.
(Construct Bond, Armored, Virtue of Justice)
MAX Attack:14 Life:13 Armor:27 Magic:10
Which is the justice, which is the thief.
Virtue of Justice: All allies gain 4 Attack and Armor when an enemy dies.


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Nature Surge (12 Green)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Green and a chosen type. All other allies gain [Magic + 1] Life.
(Construct Bond, Nature Spirit, Virtue of Loyalty)
MAX Attack:13 Life:31 Armor:13 Magic:5
To the last gasp, with truth and loyalty.
Virtue of Loyalty: All allies gain 2 Armor and Life when an ally casts a spell.


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Fire Surge (12 Red)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Red and a chosen type. All other allies gain [Magic + 1] Attack.
(Construct Bond, Frenzy, Virtue of Courage)
MAX Attack:20 Life:20 Armor:10 Magic:5
Courage mounteth with occasion.
Virtue of Courage: All allies gain 1 Attack and Life on Skull gem matches.


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Air Surge (12 Yellow)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Yellow and a chosen type. All other allies heal [Magic + 1] Life and Cleanse.
(Construct Bond, Regeneration, Virtue of Humility)
MAX Attack:8 Life:23 Armor:9 Magic:11
Nothing so becomes a man as modest humility.
Virtue of Humility: All allies gain 3 Life when I take damage.


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Arcane Surge (12 Purple)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Purple and a chosen type. Kill a random Ally. All other allies gain [Magic + 1] Magic.
(Construct Bond, Life Drain, Virtue of Sacrifice)
MAX Attack:14 Life:21 Armor:17 Magic:2
I’ll sacrifice the lamb that I do love To spite a raven’s heart within a dove.
Virtue of Sacrifice: All allies gain 3 Attack and Magic when an ally dies.


Common Eternals Elemental-Construct
Stone Surge (12 Brown)
Create 14 Gems, a mixture of Brown and a chosen type. All other allies gain [Magic + 1] Armor.
(Construct Bond, Stoneskin, Virtue of Honor)
MAX Attack:14 Life:17 Armor:21 Magic:5
If it be a sin to covet honor.
Virtue of Honor: Gain 5 to all Skills when playing a PVP battle.


I choose green, anyone with me. Loyalty seems the tankiest of them all.

Not sure I will use any to be honest

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Any reason particularly why? They might be used for guild wars.

Sorry I wasnt aware. In general PvP matches I cant see them getting into my invade teams

Tankiest is Brown, for sure. Stoneskin as well as Armor gain, plus an additional 5 health and armor in PVP.

I don’t like the purple one because reasons…

Green is the tankiest?

@killerman3333, I’m never playing an RPG with you


Every time you cast a spell buff the whole team. I feel goblins are coming back in a big way with the green statue.

Yeah that’s called a Support role, not a Tank.


Would you replace goblin shaman with the statue or no.

I might but that’s beside the point.

I think you might not know what a Tank is. Tanks absorb damage.

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i am used to tank plus, zarya being a support tank. I know the difference between tank and support but lately the lines have become blurred thanks to overwatch.

Tanks are tanks, support is support, hybrids are hybrids. Doesn’t seem complicated to me.


Overwatch blends everything to be fair, but this is GoW.

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OMG that purple statue. Time to build a summoning/sacrifice team with, maybe, a Crimson Bat as the damage source?

Edit: drat. Missed the word “random” in the skill description. Less bonkers than I thought.

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Even if it wasn’t random, he would still be horrible. He doesn’t add magic to himself, the summoner and the sacrifice won’t really benefit from the extra magic, it’s a lot of work just to add magic to a single troop. I’d say you’re better off going with double Brian.

Can’t say any of these get me excited. Suddenly underwhelmed with 2.1. All these new systems and a reduction in current resources to build these guys? No thanks.

I’m all doom and gloom too, but I’m hoping it’s
all in my head.

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You forgot the guild war didn’t you?