(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

I don’t have @yonizaf’s fancy scripts, so you’ll need to settle for a text dump:

  • All third traits (xxx Aura) give a static +3 to all stats to all troops of the associated color.
  • I don’t know what a “storm” is. By the look of it, it might be a board-wide status effect, since the conditional effects don’t specify a target. Whatever it is, it clearly has color affinity with the troop’s color.
  • As yoni mentioned, all trait costs are currently in line with other non-Guardian Common troops.

Common Monster
Hooked (10 Brown)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is a Duststorm. Create a Duststorm.
(Stone Heart, Thick Head, Stone Aura)
MAX Attack:16 Life:27 Armor:24 Magic:12

Common Monster
Aerial Strike (10 Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is a Lightstorm. Create a Lightstorm.
(Air Heart, Alert, Wind Aura)
MAX Attack:23 Life:27 Armor:10 Magic:12

Common Beast
Flipper Slap (10 Blue)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is an Icestorm. Create an Icestorm.
(Water Heart, Insulated, Ice Aura)
MAX Attack:21 Life:29 Armor:12 Magic:12

Common Orc-Giant
Rampage (10 Red)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is a Firestorm. Create a Firestorm.
(Fire Heart, Fireproof, Fire Aura)
MAX Attack:24 Life:22 Armor:13 Magic:12

Common Daemon-Monster
Hypnotize (10 Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is a Darkstorm. Create a Darkstorm.
(Magic Heart, Warded, Magic Aura)
MAX Attack:17 Life:28 Armor:21 Magic:12

Common Fey-Beast
Sacred Dance (10 Green)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal triple damage if there is a Leafstorm. Create a Leafstorm.
(Nature Heart, Flying, Nature Aura)
MAX Attack:23 Life:27 Armor:10 Magic:12