(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Did you know that warhound reduce enemy attack by 22?! Did you know kopeshi pulls enemy troop (read bone dragon) to first slot letting you make manticore attack gain futile (lion and Tiger weapon do the same with dealing decent damage on top but cost slightly more)? Did you know Sylvasi steals 14 attack and can’t be drained by Manti because he has stealth? Did you know gorgotha?
So there are ways to counter Manti. The thing is you don’t want to use those counters which is completely on you.
Seems like you got the impression that you should be able to use 1 team, get 100% win rate and win all games under 1 minut. Do you want a cherry on top of that? Damn devs must have sleepless night because they designed a troop that makes your battle last a minute longer! They should walk the plank, curse them!