PVP Changes

very poor changes,wand of star everywhere and CPU cheating.


A really bad idea. You ruined PVP again. Keep hero teams restricted to Central Spire please! @Kafka


and hero enemies crash my PS4 everytime to check weapon before match or in battle.
omg…i need double time to win ,is a joke.


Including the hero in the opponents team has made it a painful mode.

Please play your own game! Please!


but pvp has been with heroes for many years :person_shrugging: it goes back to what it was


Felt annoying and bad enough that my 14,000 to 15,000 rated team was almost always expected to pick between one of the three 19,000 to 20,000 teams offered to me… now It comes with Elementalist and Wand of Stars spam…


it sends me back, I could not play pvp. I had to unequip the 0 talisman in the edit screen to play.

Now, with introducing back elementalist + wand + whatever, PVP is back to non-relevant time spent.

It’s faster to fight colored spires using Stellarix, than trying to overcome those monday blood frenzy regions. I believe it would be the same further. So whole point of the regions going in vain now, completely.


maybe some of you forgot, that it was intended to fight against enemy attack teams on release, now it is only back to what was patch 7.3 for.
maybe now a lot of people would like to change their opinion of that new pvp?


yes people complained about hero not being part of teams. now it is, complaints… its easy, just dont play pvp


If only there were different groups of people in the forums who thought different things instead of it being on giant hivemind…


Remember this discussion? Players got what they asked for, hope you are enjoying yourself Bab.


I just have to sit back and laugh (oh do you guys remember why they nerfed Pathfinders to oblivion?). Now all of a sudden, all you see is Stella and takshaka, so what now? @Kafka


Did I forget wand and leprechaun? OMG this is hilarious :joy:


If we’re going to see Heroes, Heroes, Everywhere! while fighting PvP now, could we at least restrict Hero classes to fit whatever the region restriction is going to be? If everything is Elementalist now, not only does that seem nonsensical to me but it’s going to majorly suck because everybody is going to have to use Elementalist just to counter it.

Make the class restrictions match the regional restrictions. For example, “Fey” requires you to use Frostmage or Hierophant, “Grosh-Nak” requires you to use Barbarian, et cetera. It’ll still feel awfully same-y, but it won’t be unlimited Elementalist/Wand of Stars spam.


@Kafka now this has been fixed, thank you for that, i can help you make money. make a talisman for every status effect. but make talisman effects not cleansable. for example wand and elementalist are now going to be a pain in the ass. so a frozen talisman would alleviate that as would science,

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So, it’s supposed to use my most recent attack team on that region. But what if I didn’t make any attack on that region? When this new PVP system started, I didn’t fight on every region and the rotation was not properly implemented by then. After some tweaks, the regions started to rotate with several repetitions but I still didn’t fight on every single region. So, what team they will use when someone is facing me? Or in this case my character would be disregarded as an option? Or a random team will be generated?

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Random generated if you not fight in the region

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I’m actually on board with this. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t even have most classes maxed and who prefers not to have PvE content more and more restricted -but this is an exception for me.

I don’t know the exact dev philosophy behind the PvP rework, but I have to imagine it was partially to promote a bit of variety in teams - let’s extend that ethos just a bit more so every team isn’t Elementalist ad infinitum


Finally get point revalence this is good , but having to deal with wand of stars every fight is not fun