I would like to thank the developers for ruining the game

No one was being snippy with you.

If this is the case, this is way worse than I thought it was. I was pissed off that they removed gems from legendary tasks, but they dropped gems from regular tasks by that much!?! Insane! Especially considering how they’ve upped the amount of gems needed to spend on a weekly basis on other stuff. And one of the devs said they don’t want to move to a pay to win model…


50 gems daily gems for a bounty of shards and diamonds.

GW sentinels and VIP chests with only 140 gems from tasks? And no gems on LTs? DISGUSTING!


Why didn’t you make the video 6 months ago when I asked for it, before the game completely changed? This is a rhetorical question. All I asked for (dozens and dozens of time) when this was being discussed heavily (6 months ago) was one video of proof, and nobody stepped up… wonder why. Coming at me 6 months later and saying you have a video now is pretty unfair considering the game is completely different.

I would appreciate it if we could stop discussing this. I gave everybody the chance and nobody took it. Care to comment on that? Also a rhetorical question.

This is an edited-in reply to @The_Unforgiven because I honestly refuse to ever discuss this again.

And yet not one single piece of proof was ever furnished. That’s how it works… you make a claim, you furnish proof. Anything else is sheer madness and not a single person here would accept such a thing.

Now it is all moot, but I would seriously appreciate people stop bringing this up, because when the opportunity was there to corroborate claims with video, nobody did it, PERIOD.

Once again, this has never been PC vs Console or calling BS. It is a simple “hey show me” request which not one person stepped up to provide. Because I do not have acess to a console and I’m just a regular dude like everybody else, I should not have to buy a console to investigate other peoples’ claims.

I should say for complete technical correctness that a single video was posted, and many console people pointed it to me as “PROOF” but when I watched it I could honesty say that not one thing was dis-similar from what I saw every single match on PC. So to clarify, the so-called “smoking gun” video that was posted not only DID NOT show the claimed phenomenon, but it completely undermined the claims.

Final edit and final word I will ever say on the subject: I am sick of discussing something that happened 6 months ago. Somebody please just bloody admit that the proof wasn’t there or it would have been furnished.

Now the game is completely different, and I’m not happy. But this is an issue totally separate from what this particular series of comments is about, which is the tacit suggestion that I don’t believe what people are saying, which is not true. People who know me know that I am a very reasonable person and what I asked was not unreasonable. What people are throwing at me, however, is unreasonable.

I take a lot of crap for my opinions and I’m one of the very few that actually has the guts to stand up and go against instances of herd-think on all platforms. I have never monetized my channel so I am not subject to the forces of having to say what everybody wants. That will never change.

This is it on this subject. FOREVER.


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1 video means nothing, anyone, on any version, can have a bad game or a bad sequence of games. If a number of very experienced players stated that AI was going haywire over a period of weeks and months I would believe that more than a few clips.

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Videos were posted and labelled as being normal, that it sometimes happens like that on PC too. I’m not surprised that not many players posted videos.

Edit: I have no idea what your ‘PC v console’ vendetta is about. Anyway.


I posted several videos


Didn’t ruin my game. I’ve played a lot since the patch, and while there are definitely some adjustments, I’m still winning a vast majority of my matches. Its a major patch and there will be adjustments from the devs, I’m sure. Once again there is a very large overreaction from many in the community.


My bad. I was not really reading the forums then. Epic fail one my part. :frowning:

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Fun fact that I did discover. If you pull up this game on the marketplace for xbox one and you look up game clips, I am the fourth clip. My name Candy is in the clip. I know, random comment but I was elated when I found this out.


I’m a PC scrub… how can I see this vid? That’s something to be proud of I think!

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I will find a way to post you this forum. Give me a little bit. 🖒😍

Its not overeacting when its been garbage for 6 months. They literally just brought the crappy console ai over.

Please, please, please do not just wait weeks on he before you tell us anything. And if you decide to stick to your guns on the gem nerf please at least let us know and why. The fact that I have two years into this game is the only reason I am still here, but the point of cutting my losses and leaving…along with getting as much refunded as I can due to selling me a feature that you now broke…is coming quickly. I sense it is in others as well.

And for the record, I don’t mind a system in place where you guys make money. I will support you guys (VIP 9) if you give me something of value for my money. Taking away something I have got for free for two years and telling me now I have to pay for that won’t cut it.


Took a while but I did it.


Thats not broken…thats how its intended. /sarcasm

Keep in mind like i said when i posted. I am aware i effed up and gave them a brown 4 match…which ends the game on one turn. The concept is the same. One false move and lights out vs justice league


Absolutly agree. I realy loved this game and spend a lot of time in the game. I loved it to creat new troops.
And now i´m more and more frustated to find the right answer for another absolutly overpowered loop-team. Gems of War turns more and more into a Loop of War.
I will quitt this game. And i will hate to quitt it, because i loved it a long long time and spend money in it, to support the devs.
Maybe the devs changes their mind and gave us a reason to come back. But at the actually state the frustation is bigger than the joy i have had a long time.


Games turned more towards hardcore players an the top guilds rather than everyone its stupid and the devs need to rethink their decisions before they lose the people playing their game.

Not to take away from the loss but have you tried a different team against justice teams? or Strategy?

For example:

If you were playing with a with your own Mercy. you would have connected the first 4 match of purple and yellow. I’m running with Great Maw/Mercy/Infernal King/Sheggra for this week and having great success because of that ability.

I stopped playing with kraken on top because of his softness.

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This was red day gw