Bone Dragon, one question

Infernal king.
Keeper of Souls
Bone Dragon will always make skulls, too. Even if it’s not as good at it as it is now.

Remember the days of Maw/IK/Shegg/Mercy? How stupid that was, because of Maw’s third trait? There is nothing stopping anyone from using that team today, except for the fact that Guardians are just flat out better at making skulls and Bone Dragon’s scaling is absurd.

There are other skull spam teams. And there are things out there other than skull spam teams. But right now, none of them are viable for invading because of how downright broken the guild guardians are.


I guess korvash will also be on that list

It does on my account. There is some weirdness with defence team changes not always sticking (that probably extends to the custom settings), but I haven’t had any trouble with the AI custom settings directly. Honestly, I don’t mess around with them that often though.

Also, the AI had some coded-in adjustments at the same time that they introduced the customization. Even if you don’t customize, the AI is still smarter than it was before the last update.


The best solution for Bone Dragon is to put a max value for the number of skulls generated:
Destroy an enemy’s Armor, and create 8 Skulls (Max. 20) boosted by Armor destroyed. Gain [Magic] Armor. [3:1]
Of course, if this value is too low, Bone Dragon will not be reliable and so it will be the time to switch to KoS :slight_smile: .

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@HKdirewolf I have been doing that with soul dragon all day. Lol

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Gem generators were nerfed quite a while ago to create at most 9 gems of the same color, to at least introduce a very small risk for them to not cascade and create extra turns. Setting the max to 10 for Bone Dragon would already make it more powerful in that regard than any other troop around, and you still get the armor stripping part on top.

I’d like to see a limit not based on a stat that keeps growing as the game progresses. Create 7 skulls + 1 for each Undead in the team, that’s a range of 8 - 11.


I’ve been using BD a lot since this discussion just trying to find things i’d change, but still keep him strong. Armor shredding is obviously his thing, but I agree with some other people here. I don’t think he should instantly shred all armor on one cast, or if you keep that you should bump up his cost. He fires off way too quick. If you can cut armor shred in half, and limit the skulls on the board, I think he might be fine.

I believe this would still keep him strong especially to lower level players, plus still keep his legendary status. Just make sure he still shreds more armor than others.

Or at the very least just limit the number of skulls on the board, or keep him as is and just make it to where no matter what he doesn’t give an extra turn.

If he never got an extra turn no matter how many skulls, I wouldn’t care how much damage he does.

But guessing they aren’t going to implement a new mechanic for a single troop, my best solution is Bump up his cost, keep armor shred, and limit skulls on the board.

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If armor shredding is BD’s thing, and he has to shred more than anyone else, then he’s got to shred it all, since Grave Knight does, and he’s only an Ultra-Rare.


Armor shredding isn’t his thing though, stripping flesh is. :wink:

New request. Bone Dragon strips the armor of the whole team in one cast.


YES! He should also create a brand new gem grid filled with nothing but skulls.

And he should do double skull damage against troop type “all”.


Yeah or just a new mechanic. If bone dragon gets to cast you instantly win the match.

Fun fact-there’s several Magic the Gathering cards that do this. A lot of fun.


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Here’s one example. If you don’t cast it from your hand you lose the game. lol OR if you deal life damage to a player, they lose the game. She’s a beauty. Obviously banned from tournament play.

Sorry I know I know this is GoW. Back to topic.


No flying/unblockable/haste 7 mana, needs to get through opponents defense to actually win…

I wouldn’t put that in my deck, the game should either be over by 7 mana or I am facing a ramp/stalling deck that will easily counter her…

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Two of my favorite cards:

Yes, I liked elves >_>

Edit:: Oh yeah bone dragon raises pitchfork

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Agree with your main point, but had to nitpick: there are a few troops that create more than 9 gems of a color. Couatl creates 12, Cockatrice creates up to 12, and the gem doublers create up to 32 (though that’s sort of a silly hypothetical situation)

No she’s not.

MTG Banned/Restricted Lists


With a mana cost like that, she’s not even viable in the competitive scene.

Skulls are a little different compared to gems because there are more rare on the board and a misfire can be deadly.

I use Bone Dragon for 2 months and I never use him on a troop with less than 30 Armor (so 18 skulls) else it could misfired. And when it’s misfired you can lose one or two troops… And even with 30 Armor, it could misfired… Is there really someone who want to play this troop if he became too risky?