2.1 Preview - Guilds

New Hero class and spell type mentioned in the description.


So far: great stuff, i sense it’s a breath of fresh air for many.

thanks devs.


I know I am late to the party, but way to be awesome!!

Thanks for hearing us out.

I gotta say, as a guild leader, I would much prefer this gold goes to a guild bank for high-enough ranked guild members to be able to distribute to next week’s tasks. The way you guys decided to go about it makes accounting for guild minimum gold contributions awkward. I feel obligated to create a new rule in my guild such that any weekly refunds must be given back to the guild; after all, that was gold someone contributed with intentions to complete tasks, not be distributed to other guildmates.

The simplest and most natural way to handle that to my opinion would have been to redistribute the leftover gold on the tasks themselves. Either of the same color as the one it was already on or equally between all the colors (whatever is easier to implement). Maybe things could change on that side later…


That would be fine, too. So long as I don’t have to keep track of everyone’s (most likely unearned) refunds, I’m happy.

I don’t think it’s going to be large enough to really stress over. If your members are smart they will finish a task before investing in another, since having two unfinished tasks isn’t as useful as one finished and one empty. So you’re only going to have one or two tasks with gold leftover at the end of the week. Even if we look at the high end of 300k invested in each, that is 600k split to 30 members = 20k each. Not really worth worrying about.

If you have all 6 tasks with gold invested in unfinished tasks and enough spent to make a concern about it being split… you have bigger issues teaching your members to better use their gold.


Fair point but also something I considered. Sure, 20K isn’t a big deal – it’s when you add it up to 600K that it becomes one. Most guild members would just turn around and re-invest it anyway. But some members just barely make the minimum each week, which is fine on its own; I just want everyone carrying their own weight, not getting a discount on someone else’s behalf.

I don’t think I need to worry about the case of 3+ incomplete tasks. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sirrian, I like the idea of switching Gold Keys to Glory Keys. :smile: Perhaps, maybe after getting one or two Gold Key task done then, switching it over to the G. Keys. Make sure not to price the keys too high and also, Just to say this… I believe as you hit 3 in that task the task are too high priced for Guild Members with kingdoms to max and beginner folks. :wink: Gentle increases to 12 are much more achievable for the active to casual players.

Oh btw, The left over gold Sirrian, should be put in the reset task that the gold was in. Example, 5,000 gold was in yellow task 5 should be put in the new week reset task to 1 on Monday. that’s already 5,000 gold on yellow on the renewed task that new week :slight_smile:

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Or you can just redonate it…

Do the developers have to hold everyone’s hands.

I’m just making a suggestion, Some people that do not donate as the others do, is basically taking someone else’s gold they earned and doing whatever they want with it. You never know when there is a rider :rage: that you may have to kick out of the guild because, they are doing nothing. Think of all the guilds that really try hard to earn rank and work together as a team. Some people need time to bloom into a flower and some people will remain a bud. :smirk: They don’t need someone else’s hard earned gold. :scream: You are taking what I said the wrong way. Everybody has there own thoughts…?


If there’s a leech, kick 'em.


@TaliaParks is right to suggest to kick the moocher. That new sort button should help.

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Edit: sry for bump, ment to share w/ a friend

I thought for a second xbone and ps4 were about to get this update in the next 1-2 weeks thanks to your bump. The guild update for consoles coming soon to a console near you.

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