I am new to the gaming world. My husband has been a long time gamer and suggested I pick it up during the pandemic. It turns out that I actually love it! Well, I love Gems of War is more like it. LOL! We have two fur children, “two returnable kids,” and I have one ear. I was born with Goldnhar Syndrome in which left me with one ear and some other deformed structures. But I am thankful to the Lord as He gave me the gift of music. I have a degree in music and I play the piano. Aside from music I love to read, take a walk in nature and travel and you know, the usual stuff. However, I have been learning the Ukelele, as my next adventure. =)
I am the Guild leader for TAG TWO on the PS4 Platform. It’s invite only, but please ask for any openings, I’d love to have you on our team! We are with the family of the main TAG and TAG THREE. They are an awesome family!
Please feel free to ask me anything and I’ll respond!