World Event Scoring and Fix

Pfff … We always get ripped off in this game, if not by the Voult keys, it is by guild events! It starts to irritate several people !! In addition, this rumor of reunification of guild returns every day on the carpet !!! It will be the death of the game guarenteed !!!

It appears my sigil estimate was 2-4 too high in most cases (I will try to adjust) and my multiplier of 12.75 was a little high. Relatively close I guess for an early estimate and I did assume best case scenario.

149,902 points divided by 11,771 battles = 12.735 points per battle is what I got today. Pretty close to my original 12.75.

Tier 4 = 92 Sigils 1171.6 average points (1166.6 needed). Still relatively accurate I guess. The event can be completed by 30 players buying tier 4 most likely just like in the original estimate after the change.


Final Stats. Tier 6, perfect play. :smiley:
The average of all multiplier is only 0.01 different than the expect amount. Awesome!


I’ve answered your initial questions and been as clear as I can.

I cannot speak about what tier we expect you to buy too, as we honestly don’t have any firm expectations. We have also been changing up the scoring as we go, and haven’t settled on a final number for it yet. (Which I have been transparent about.) As such, I cannot answer the question you are demanding I answer. I have given you the information you requested, even when I knew it would lead to further debate.

I will not be replying further to this thread as I am unable to provide you with any new information.

Please adjust Fallen Silent to be realistic like you adjusted the last World Event.


No kidding. The numbers clearly show that 30 people need to spend at least 1850 gems to complete rewards. This is idiotic, and I’m tired of being toyed with.