Why not cheat? (A public letter to the devs)

Pray tell what tools you feel you need in order to police your bracket and how would they expose cheaters?

As much as I’d like to see more analytics for GW for various reasons I can’t think of too many tools that will definitively tell me someone is cheating. And there have already been a few threads where guilds were accused of cheating simply because heaven forbid they scored higher than another guild. Personally I think all we’ll get with more information is more unfounded accusations & witch hunts. For every cheater caught there will be another 3 innocents accused. And as much as I can’t stand a cheater get away with cheating, it’s not right to have people legitimately putting in the time & effort being harassed because people assume they must be cheating too.


What should happen to a guild that doesn’t self police? If it’s so obvious that other guild catch it yet hush from their own guild? Yet they enjoy the benefits from it? Why should a guild care if someone in their guild is cheating? They benefit from it till they are caught by some other guild. Maybe the guild should be held to a standard. It’s a team is it not? Name a game that due to someone’s actions the team isn’t punished?

The guild should have the ill-gotten gains taken away. Supposedly, this is what happens. But, who knows.

we could only hope right? We will never know. Cause punishing a guild will draw attention to cheating. The devs would never allow that. It would show their flaws. More would notice an entire guild being punished. But if one lonely person disappeared who would notice? If you understand what I’m saying there without speaking it out what would the devs do to a guild that helped a sister guild in war? Draw attention to it? Show the flaws? Punish the guild? Or quitilty slap on the wrist? Or not even acknowledged it even happen? Move along like it never happens avoiding bad publicity? Again the OP asked why not cheat or allow someone on your guild to do so? What’s the true punishment.

And again, the answer is, because you might get caught, and you might get punished. Perhaps they can’t be everywhere at once, and perhaps they evaluate “cheating” under a stricter burden of proof than you do. Regardless, it’s like speeding in front of an undercover cop — you do so at your peril.

I know it’s not satisfying, and at times frustrating, not to hear what direct effects your tips have on those punished; but it’s also standard policy to only discuss actions against cheaters in aggregate.


Hey everyone, it was some time ago, so I’m going to reiterate some points.

After examining the all the data, it’s not clear if small amounts of collusion we suspect are taking place are having a significant effect on the final GW results and scores. We have also de-incentivised cheating by implementing changes to the Guild Wars defense scoring.

We believe that a guild, or a player, is innocent until proven guilty. we don’t want to encourage witch hunts or have players attacked and/or guilds attacked. It is not how we want to run our game or our forums.


Why not give us the ability to see this defensive score you talk about?

Hell why not let us see our own? I know it’s not the topic of the thread but you said (salty there is a defensive score) I would like to know if my defense needs to be trashed or just tweaked. Win or lose doesn’t tell me anything. My defense may have killed three troops before a loss and just a small troop change or hero adjustment can change that to a win. Yet this info is with held from us. Why?

The defensive score is the 2k for using unique troops. There is nothing more elaborate than that for defense scores.

You don’t see the info you’re asking to see for PvP either. Win/loss in the context of daily color, sentinel level, bracket, GW tier & guild you’re fighting should give you the info you need to determine the effectiveness of your defense.

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I’d like to think that most people aren’t jerks, hence why they don’t cheat.

In CSGO and similars we have aim, wall, speed hacks.
League of Legends, DotA 2 and another games we have instant scripts/macros.

But, i’m really curious about what does a cheat do in Gems of War! Strong cards? Always win? Edit GW points?

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Just to be sure that I really understand the meaning:

  • two guilds found colluding, but without significant effect on final GW score, are not hit by any type of action from the devs? So it’s the final result of the agreement that you are judging, not the agreement itself?
  • a print screen of a GM asking another GM to set weak defence is still not a proof until you find that they really set weak defences (I’m not talking about old thread, but about something happened last week). I’m opinion, a GM that ask for such an agreement should see his guild penalized, even if the agreement didn’t take place at the end

No. You do not understand. It has been made very clear by salty. Stop being a martyr. Gossip is poisonous. That is what i see here. Move on. Whatever has happened in the past is not significant enough to push resources into solving it. The devs have MORE important issues to deal with. Like improving the game. I feel your frustration but i dont have sympathy. Sorrry. But if you want a hug i am here. Edit. Please ignore the comment about being a martyr. I apologise. A bit harsh and not nice. Sorry.

Oh wow :rofl:
Luckily, differently from a martyr, I’m still alive :joy: but don’t worry, apologies accepted.
And sorry if I’m not able to understand, probably I have to read better and to apply more :grinning:

About collusion: it’s not happened in the past, but it’s happening now.
From your point of view, this topic is not important, because probably you care much about other aspects of the game. And for sure, even if you will open 1000 thread about the same topic, I will never come and reply to you “Stop, move on”, even if you care about subjects that for me are ok.

From my point of view (after spending almost 3 years in the game) this is a matter that I really care about, because it steals resources to fair players (and this thread is about cheating, and for me collusion is like cheating). Devs clearly stated in the past that collusion is not tolerated, so I wanted to know if something has changed.

Finally, I’m not frustrated about that (it’s a game, not real life), but unfortunately I don’t like cheaters. If you are ok with them, I’m happy for you :wink:

PS: thanks for the hug proposal, but I gently refuse it


What I understand is that they suspect that collusion is occuring but that nothing will be done.
Well… @awryan you have the answer to your question…


Well, at least there is some public acknowledgement that the suspicions of collusion still being present is shared by the devs. Although, I don’t understand this “significant effect” comment. Since it was already stated that it is against the rules now, why isn’t it dealt with regardless of the perceived effect?


They say they have a plan. All I can do is hope it works. 6 weeks. :crossed_fingers:

Sounds like to me… insufficient evidence is what the devs are saying.
But pretty much the only way to prove collusion occurred. Is like a sworn affidavit from the colluders admitting guilt.
It’d be interesting to see what would happen if such a thing occurred.
I suspect that they don’t know what to do if a guild is proven guilty.

Have to agree with OP that the infinite looping of gem matches of the AI after your first move is absolutely frustrating.

This happens more and more it seems of late. That and having Dawnbringer in arena is totally ruining my gaming experience.

Even though I dropped enough cash to get me vip 9, I am honestly ready to quit.

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It really frustrates me too that the AI always has to get everything so much easier. Not only the appearing of gems on the board but also the skills. For example when I use Doomclaw he never devours anything but if it is used in Guild Wars by an enemy he is always up in no time and devours my team everytime his skill is used. :rage: Really hard to enjoy the game at the moment, especially in guild wars.

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