Why are we being punished?

I have to hand out a :heart: for what you wrote “[…]”.

Risky words, though which I can’t repeat without eventually being cancelled. :melting_face:
Cya maybe after vacay. :beach_umbrella: :tropical_drink:

another thing towards the topic but not fully where the topic went:
I recently opened a few hundred vault keys and basically no useful orbs dropped. no forging, no minion, no silver/gold glory. anyone else notice a droprate shift or is this again just “rng unluck”?
(yeah, right ^^ as if).

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I’ve had my couple of forum and chat bans, many years ago in places that thankfully can not even be found by archive searches anymore (and if I’m lucky, the ones involved in it have long forgotten it too). I’m very often glad, that I made my clumsy first steps on the internet at a time, when it would not haunt one for the rest of life.
I would not say, that I have become a much better person than back then (although the young passion to run headfirst into walls repeatedly until I was forcefully stopped may have faded), but I have learned to back out when I feel like I am turning obsessive about something.

I’m openly grumpy, but not unbearable (I hope). I think, that still works out.

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You remind me of the xkcd comic that reads something like “Hold on…somebodies wrong on the internet.” :smiley:

A close second to my personal favorite - SNL skit Should You Chime In On This? from 11/21/15. I frequently ask myself that before posting :joy:

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You’re not being punished if you don’t complete events.
This game is time invested= account progress except for the rare deeds (but you can get them in explore)
It just means that you have less time to play video games and get loot.

If you are however contributing more than your fair share of effort, it might be time to change guilds.

It just means that you have less time to play video games and get loot.

That’s actually not true. The time I can dedicate to GoW hasn’t changed. And yet I’m getting fewer rewards from my effort, because event battles now take more time than they used to take before 7.0, leaving less time (within my GoW playing time) to play other modes, and the extra rewards from new guild event rewards simply don’t make up for it.

If that’s not punishment, then what is?


Exactly. You didn’t have to be in a top guild to get decent rewards if you put in the time playing. I don’t expect that my level 238 guild will get to the expanded kevels each week, but I do expect us to be able to achieve the same level of rewards we were achieving before 7.0. That is not happening. We will not close out level 12 today. :rage:


and even if you DID close out tier 12, the rewards given for those are now WORSE than they were pre-update, move the celestial traitstones back to a reasonable level!!!