Who is the forum manager?

@icy I’ll chase that email up today as well and DM it to you - as well as try to do a check to make sure they’re being sent properly and nothing is broken with the emails.

@awryan anyone who is banned is emailed the reason. And correct, if a post is deleted then a warning or ban should immediately follow, because posts aren’t deleted unless the community guidelines are broken. You can contact support to appeal a ban on the forum.

I don’t believe the forum tools has an option for the ban mail to come from the team member who placed it, it comes from the system - which can be set to appear as a specific user. I thought I had changed it to come from mine or Jeto’s account so I will have to double check the settings again and change it to mine.

When a user is banned the whole CX team is notified so it can be checked, although usually everyone is notified before hand to sanity check it before the ban is placed to make sure mistakes aren’t made. I’m satisfied that bans that have been placed have been correct and my manager has also reviewed some bans that were appealed and also agreed with them. Bias is something we take seriously and frankly our careers are more important than being spiteful against individuals on the forums. We’re just here to do our jobs - only a small part of which is to maintain a non-toxic, constructive environment for discussion. Bans aren’t frequent. Most people participate here in a constructive way.