What would truly difficult content look like?

Seeing as most of people complain about doing PF500… i doubt it would be fun for majority of playerbase… it might be fun for some extreme harcore players that are looking for extra challenges, but not at all for anyone else…

Fighting such battles would require:

  1. careful planning
  2. not being screwed by RNG every now and then

with factor #2 being more meaningful.

Personally I’d prefer DEV team to use their time and effort into something else: that could be fun, but not nessesary difficult (like Gnome-a-Palooza is fun, and isn’t difficult at all, at least once you grinded up for all verses).

I personaly think that game need a more dynamic pvp mode, that would involve:

  • breaking the meta teams we all know from current pvp system
  • teambuilding on every
  • carefull planning of your actions while playing
  • more active-active experience (in contrary to active-passive currently present)

And that’s where I see (sorry for self- advertising here) pvp tournaments could fill the gap:

especialy with addition of:

I also like @Fleg idea of introducing a mode that would make things more exotic…or maybe just an exotic campaign
Like one, where all magic was shut, and every troop gets silenced once they cast- that would apply to all WE battles for whole 10 weeks.
Or a campaign where every troop would get fatigue, as they are used in battles → once your troop gets used 4 times it’s unavaible for current WE.

Ofc, this can be just another mode, with such extra challenges applied.

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