I’m going to take this recent post:
and one of my many recent experiences
and just say no. a hard no to those statements. Taking a turn can’t fix the boards that have been popping up lately.
If your idea of fun is Gimlet Stormbrew into Dragon’s Eye, Tai-Pan into Yao Guai, Moon Rabbit into Divine Ishbaala, Qilin/Forest Guardian, then sure, let’s keep the game the way it is.
Let’s keep turning this game more and more into a slot machine.
There’s a big difference between the AI having a better team and the AI not letting you play the game.
I knew there would be someone that would make the reshuffle over and over argument. One reshuffle is still better than none, the game doesn’t need infinite reshuffles.
There’s a big difference between “adverse” circumstances and not having a game to play.
Not every hand is a winner, but hands shouldn’t be an auto-loser as well.
I’d love to see you propose to Magic the Gathering players that they aren’t allowed to mulligan their 0-1 land hand at the start of the game.
At what point is it still fair for the players? We’re already treading on territory where Spirit Fox one shots a player’s troop in Tower of Doom instantly if the player isn’t lucky enough to draw an answer to it.