War Games (Event Post)

Finally. Some 404 FOUND.

Did anyone work out the average points/Tier required for this one, and if so would you be willing to share?

When I have to load the forum to check this infernal stupid thing, we can tell its terribly designed.

THESE TWO are the EXACT same thing except one is worth more for no apparent reason!

WHY did you do this??!


Yep, this is the dumbest. I haven’t spent tokens since Monday cuz of this. I’ll have to catch up this weekend or something. # rewards should be color coded, somehow.

The SS happens maybe 10% of the time. Otherwise it’s all blue options and one that isn’t. Do the one that isn’t. Lowest level offers the same points as the highest level. So go by rarity.


Mm, yeah I was thinking you probably really only need to know which option gives the least points, since they don’t refresh and at some point you’ll end up like ryan said.


But keep in mind the choice is artificial at the start between level 10’s because you’ll most likely be doing at least one of each rarity at least once.

So in this case Morpheus, both red and blue pills eventually lead to the same door. Therefore there’s no real consequences to your choice.

But hey I understand that actually doing the event (tier 6 worth of Sigils) gives me more experience/knowledge on the matter than basing opinions from the starting gate. So no worries.

It wouldn’t matter (as much) how needlessly silly the scoring variations are if it at least told us what they were in the game. But obviously that would be too easy…


It’s Tier 3 to guarantee 2567+ points, or 77000 total for stage 12 rewards.
Tier 2 normally end up with 72-74 battles, which is 2480-2565 points (from the leaderboard). So even at Tier 2, half your guild can probably stop at Tier 2.
Each Tier 3 is 80-84 battles, which is enough to cover for 3-5 players staying at Tier 2.