Treasure Hoard, the Gold Sink

Here ya go:

Row Target level Treasure used #/time XP needed # needed Total gold
1 100 Coin Purse 1 5049 505 6,964,000
2 100 Coin Purse 5 5049 505 6,920,000
3 99 Sacred Treasure 5 4949 10 77,000
4 1000 Coin Purse 1 500499 50050 6,696,640,000
5 999 Sacred Treasure 5 499499 1000 133,222,000
6 70 Priest’s Chalice 5 2484 50 454,000
7 140 Sacred Treasure 2 9869 20 354,000

So, explanations:

  1. Stupidest way to reach Hoard level 100: adding Coin Purses one at a time. This means you are always adding the least possible amount of XP, and you are always paying the highest cost to add it. You will pay nearly 7 million gold to maximize your Renown in this manner.
  2. Marginally smarter way to reach Hoard level 100: still Coin Purses, but five at a time. You save 44,000 gold in this way! Yay!
  3. Most efficient route to Hoard level 100: Sacred Treasures, five at a time. It will take just two such rounds to get you to level 99, at a total cost of 77,000 gold. The next treasure, which should be a Priest’s Chalice or better (if you’ve got 10 Sacred Treasures sitting around, you probably have a few Chalices/Crowns/Lamps also), will cost you 10,400 gold but push you over the 5049 XP required for level 100. The minimum possible gold cost to reach Hoard level 100 seems, then, to be 87,400 gold.
  4. Stupidest way to reach Hoard level 1000: Coin Purses, one at a time. I had to switch to 8-byte integers for this, since I ran into overflow issues using standard 4-byte ints. Check out that gold cost!
  5. Most efficient way to reach Hoard level 1000: Sacred Treasures, five at a time. Still absurdly expensive, but a factor of 50 times cheaper than the dumb way. Note that you’ll still need to come up with 1000 XP of treasure, at a cost of 200,400 per treasure, for that final level.
  6. (edit: not?) The most efficient way to reach Hoard Quality 10: ten rounds of five Priest’s Chalices. This means you will always have a 100% chance to increase your quality, and you do so with the lowest total XP accumulated. You wind up at level 70, at which point you should switch back to using sets of 5 Sacred Treasures to earn that sweet sweet Hoard XP.
  7. Another contender for most efficient way to reach Hoard Quality 10: ten rounds of two Sacred Treasures each. This winds up costing less gold than row 6, and puts you above Hoard level 100. The drawback, of course, is that you need 20 Sacred Treasures.

Edit: corrected with row 7, which is an alternate candidate for most efficient route to Quality 10.