The other side of the "Lucky AI" coin

the concept of minimal performance i wanted to offer with the feature request about devour and instant kill chance tweak in here so yeah i think i do get you

yet im on the other side of fence totally not getting frustrated - playing the dragon soul and just exploding everything regardless to the board setup XD i have been wanting to put that into statistics but i just relax with movies lately and play far too little attention to the game to be bothered, ugh… still did not forget about it just moving it until im not so tired and have more time for it :slight_smile: so far everything ive been observing while playing the restful way is - that i do not even pay attention to what exactly is on the board :laughing:

anyway thats what id recommend for everybody who needs more restful play:

pvp (skip bone dragon if u see it but no need to scout):
krysta sylva DS shadow dragon + abysmal

explore (normal or hard difficulty):
behemoth DS pharos/aziris pharos/aziris +abysmal