Strange Guild Wars bracket movement

There lack of saying anything makes me think its something we all fear…like most vip pts or total trophies. Neither of which has anything to do with GW.

At the end of the day their obvious silence shows its shady. My guess is it will be treated like there was a code error and theyll change it and we will never know the garbage that was deciding it.

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Actually, I think @Vangor’s idea has a lot of merit, but it would only work if we all participate. One or two guilds dropping out is unnoticeable, but if, say, the entire Top 50 drops out, that might have some effect. Shall we call a guild wars strike until either we get some answers or things get fixed?

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With the state of communication in GoW guilds I think it would be hard to enforce that unless all Guild Master demoted everyone down from rank 2 to ensure that someone who did not read the plan went ahead and signed the guild up for GW.

I think it would be a good idea though to stop all real life $$ spending though, let our wallets do the talking, no gems for 15 days any longer and I think that would get their attention quite a bit faster then guilds staying out of GW.

Okay! I am here!

I have some information for you all. Those that have filed support tickets will likely have seen this already.

The bracket calculation for Guild Wars is based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, how well each guild performed in their bracket (standardized by the general difficulty of that bracket), the position each guild finished within their bracket (positions 1 & 2 are awarded small bonuses, while positions 9 & 10 are penalized somewhat), as well as (to a lesser degree) the general makeup & progress of the individual guild.

This means it is possible you might see yourself with more points than a guild in a higher bracket but NOT move up to replace them, and there could be a number of reasons for this, including the fact that the higher bracket was considered more difficult than yours, or even that a team in a lower bracket than you had an amazingly good week and leapfrogged past you.

We are watching these calculations at the moment and may make small changes and tweaks to them.


Salty, I actually have no skin in this game, because I’m not participating at all in Guild Wars. But if I were, and if I were to be treating it as a competitive event (which I assume is the case for the top guilds; it won’t be only about the troop rewards for them), then I’d want to know exactly what I’d need to focus on and by how much in order to have my guild be successful (i.e, rise in the ranks). Is there a reason why the exact formulas are not being divulged? This feels to me like a disservice to would-be competitors.


It is as Tacet said earlier.

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Thanks for dropping in Salty! :slight_smile:

Regrettably your answer doesn’t clarify things (at least for me)…
If the number 9 and 10 are penalized a bit, then how can the odd occurrances with Match Masters be explained? And how can number 5 and 6 finishers de demoted while 7-10 stay in bracket 1 (last week) , while number 7-9 were demoted the week before while the number 10 stayed in bracket 1 (the week before last).
That simply makes no sense (to me) with your explanation in mind…


Okay, I understand. That’s unfortunate, then, as it seems like guilds will be rewarded and punished seemingly at random. I suspect you’ll be getting a lot of “WTF” threads like this going forward.


Hopefully when all the kinks are ironed out this won’t be an issue. We are monitoring scores currently just in case.


that would be the lamest thing ever
they could delete point system at all and just keep the wins then :sweat_smile:

i dont see a reason why players would have to pay for devs mistake? nobody would refund you all those missing rewards


i dont want exact formula but please tell us the ingredients of it?

what is taken into consideration when you talk about:

  • “the general makeup & progress of the individual guild” ?
  • “how well each guild performed in their bracket” ?
  • “general difficulty of that bracket” ?

i think we deserve to know what matters and what doesnt, for the gw performance

we dont have to know the weight of each ingredient that matter, but the general idea of what at all matters is needed for the sake of fair (even conditions for everyone) competition

without letting us know, the conditions become uneven and the guilds at disadvantage - being unaware of them cannot work on fixing that


I really do appreciate the complexity of the situation but what you’re saying is this isn’t Guild Wars, its a series of factors that we may not have any control over - outside of the actual battles.

To me that sucks. What’s the point then, if we can’t actually guarantee that us winning and getting the points is actually going to knock out an opponent in the ranks.

I would highly suggest to go back to the drawing board and simplify this so it’s based off strict points and divide out the ‘difficulty’ since it’s clear that kicking the teeth out of x2 famine/death is not going to work


Top score in Bracket 2 at the end of day 1 is 203,625 - an amazing score given that 6300 x 30 = 189,000 :expressionless:

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@Haladini This is the current response on the issue:

Pure points isn’t really a fair reflection of how well a guild does. Since if you have max sentinels and you’re down in bracket 135, you will likely have a much much easier time to get a full 5/0 no loss week for all members than people in brackets 2 or 3. So overall you will have more points than then, and if it’s strictly off of points then the guild in bracket 135 will jump up (out of apparent nowhere) in to bracket 1 ahead of the guilds from bracket 2 or 3. Which would also encourage guilds in higher brackets to drop down brackets so they can get easier opponents and then catapult themselves up into bracket 1, rather than fighting it out in bracket 2 or 3.

I’m not saying that the system doesn’t need changing or clarifying, but pure points just isn’t going to work well.


You’re repeating some very good points about why this is a complex system, but there is an elephant in the room:

The 6-8th ranked guilds in tier 1 were dropped this week, but 9 and 10 stayed. At the very least this needs some explanation beyond what we’ve been given. Even if that explanation was “#9 and #10 were both matched against #1-4 this week, so they stayed based on the strength of their competition”.


I am with @Grundulum and the others here. Thanks very much for your time @Saltypatra but I don’t think we’ve yet addressed the main question in the thread.[quote=“Stripy, post:53, topic:23815”]
if matchmakers won 2 daily wars

  1. we aren’t called MatchMakers… but maybe should be :smiley: can start up our own dating agency when we give up on gems…

  2. I believe we won two of the wars on the day… but I’ve not seen any evidence that this contributes to the promotes/demotes… (and don’t believe, personally, that it should)


As I’ve mentioned, the way the rankings are figured out is inclusive of points, as well as a variety of other factors. We are also in the process of looking into things and will make changes to the ways rankings are calculated if we feel it necessary. Please bear with us while we collate data, and in general do what we need to do in order to decide the best way to move forward.

On another note, about something else brought up in this thread, we are currently investigating the cause of having more points than possible.


Yeah, my thoughts on the matter are we need more info than we probably have available at the moment.

I feel we’d need:
Number of wins/losses for each day (and who the opponent guild was)
Number of troops lost and in which battle and war

For EACH member in EACH guild in Bracket 1 and top half of Bracket 2, (Ideally all of bracket 2). I feel like all of these factors could play into ranking movements.

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excuse me but pure points would work much better then the current system

if too many guilds get maxed points there will be just more winners,
at least rules would be clear and ppl could actually fight for the rewards :slight_smile:


General makeup? Umh what?


@DonBoba general makeup brudda