Stop overusing the RNG - It is NOT fun!

In most situations, you can circumvent the RNG luck in keys by crafting that Mythic in the Soulforge at some point. There’s no such fortune for a Hoard Mythic.

As for troop viability, it has Impervious (and I guess armored). So by default, I’ve seen worse. Who am I to say what troop is or isn’t playable? I don’t care for the random RNG luck required for Piscea to be effective, but others love it. Same goes with Hoard Mimic.

For me, Piscea is a mana generator that may devour - like Centuragon. So I don’t build teams around the fish.

It will very effectively generate mana if you set it up right. That’s what counts the most.


I look at Dracos 1337 (Silencer/Mana Drainer with occasional instant kill) and Persistence (Green Mana killer with occasional Devour) the same way.

As you say, in most situations. I’ve been waiting for the Will of Nisha since May or thereabouts. I couldn’t get her then because I was out of diamonds. And every mythic you craft is potentially another that you can’t (for yet another cycle) because there’s RNG dictating where in the long cycle they show up, if, in fact, they’ve even been added to the list at all.

It took me a lot less time to get the Hoard Mimic than any other mythic that I’ve been specifically waiting for. Because… unlike the Soulforge, you can speed up your likelihood of getting the HM by grinding. What you can’t do is throw money at it.

I’ll admit: I’d probably be sore about the HM if I actually needed it and didn’t already have it. So I’ll grant you that. And I’m sure we’d both agree that at least there aren’t six different HMs to collect dupes of… Yet.


Just stop with the pretending you guys don’t mess with rates…just stop it. Those of us who put huge hours into this game know what’s up. How the hell does a ten percent rate happen 90 percent of the time if your not messing with rates…and that’s just for the a.i. our characters don’t have the same experience…here’s the deal…if rates are truly random…then over a large sample period they should look roughly similar for both us and the a.i. they don’t…therefore we know your putting your finger on the scale… challenging players to show you on video is kind of like saying…catch me if you can…nanny nanny boo boo. That is all.

If you want to “statistically prove” it, please have your statistics in hand when posting. Otherwise it’s (presumably) just “your word vs. theirs”.


I get that…but I have had one of the moderators basically admit that you guys know about a lot of these problems so it’s annoying when you guys act like if I don’t have a video it’s not happening.
…you know it is lol. Now as far as narrowing down exactly what and where it is…yeah you need footage…I totally agree…but just stop with the insinuating that it’s just our imagination or us lying about it.

In case anyone’s reading…

Please drop the Mimic and Hoard Mimic battles’ level to the highest ever achieved in explore.

If my level 400 account ever finds a Mimic battle, it will definitely lose. And that means zero medals from the 60 or so battles it took me to reach the Boss battle at D2. What a slap in the face that would be!