Spring has Sprung

gives more ideas

Crimson Bat to 1:2 magic.
All hero AoE weapon to 1:2 magic.
Valkyrie soul generation down to a static 5.
Inferno King dealing about 10 less damage and mana cost increased to 20.
Rock Worm gem creation lowered to 6.
Brian, and all random stat gains, have a lower chance to be magic. (Devs said a while back they were thinking about doing this, then decided not to. No clue if it is or isn’t atm.)
Bone Dragon skull creation reduced to 5.
Goblin Team actually gets nerfed somehow.
They change Gorgotha to resist 90% skull damage.
Knight Coronet and Rowanne get nerfed back to her original self.
Devour can’t devour big, huge, or immense troops.

Imagine that update… :slight_smile:


Silence now!

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What are you doing man???!!!

Boy this post was TITLED perfect lol

Why is he the only one getting a buff? I thought you were all about nerfs.

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Buffing Gorgotha is a nerf to any skull meta that ever exists. The only 2 skull related counters would be skull spam with Archer class or Great Maw.

Also, I just noticed that the “redeem code” says “I am a poopy head.” April fools was 17 days ago, Sirrian.



Happy for the burning Scythe change, I got tired of having to match all the red/purple in arena to limit enemy from filling their scythe. Maybe now having that going off once will not kill 2 troops.

Spring imp chest is small according to anime standards, normal to cartoon standards. (excluding Jessica rabbit). Think I will make an entangle killing defense team now

Will there be an option in the future where we can resize womans breast and mens muscles? Maybe in 2020. :wink:

To be honest, I doubt that the Spring Imp will have problems with her back.

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This can’t really be considered a nerf, only a counter, since skull spammers will work just fine against everything else.

That is, unless it becomes the meta itself (with everyone fielding it) which then will be way more than just ‘a nerf to the meta’, it’ll be a nerf to the very idea of skull damage, making it practically useless, and in worse situation than what spell damage used to be in 1.0.8. It will also be a huge nerf to the AI side, since the AI can be easily tempted to match skulls (which are now useless) over doing anything else.

So, no, It can’t be considered a nerf, it’s just making Gorgotha too overpowered and a must-have troop.


Agreed. That would take the meta back to a similar state like 1.0.8. Gorgotha would become a must have in the first slot to be competitive like a trueshot/agile troop in the first slot was in 1.0.8… :frowning:

Okay - I’ve just increased the server resources by 10%… you guys managed to overload the servers LAST week… so we’re gonna be proactive this week and see if we can keep things running smoothly!


So we have the new Mechanist class - I just unlocked it - should it have a unique legendary third trait? Now it just has Armoured…

It will in 2.0. They released it early, so the code for the legendary trait isn’t in the game.


His 3rd trait won’t be ready until 2.0 (he got released by accident… we’re blaming the Spring Imp)

New chest data seemed to take a few minutes to come online and gave some error messages on the chest screen… if you restart, that seems to be fixed now.

Now all we need is a troop that freezes all enemies, a troop that hunter’s marks all enemies, and a troop that death marks all enemies and himself.

Ugh. One of my teams is worse than useless now. I was using Yasmine’s Chalice to buff Rowanne. It was not the greatest team, but I really liked the kind of “turtle up” style and enjoyed playing it. it was nowhere near overpowered and was risky if the other team started targeting Rowanne. It is 100.001% completely ineffective now.

I am assuming some chuckleheads were somehow misusing Yasmine in arena or something? I am not a big arena fan and mainly endure the increasing–keyword increasing–pain of PvP when playing.

Anyway, one low damage–keyword low–aoe from the other teams strips the pitiful armor the weapon now outputs. It is going to be one of those Mondays.

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I like the Spring Imp’s attitude.

Dang lying imp. Just got a winter imp from a chest.