Single gem explosion needs a buff

For science, I checked this on delve chests. They use simple rounding, not Banker’s Rounding. From extensive testing, I’m fairly certain the number of drops you get is determined by chest level, and they round each drop, not total drops.

To double check, I had a level 4 chest with exactly a 2.5 modifier and ran away from the delve, producing:

Which is 1 legendary ingot, 1 mythic ingot, 20 glory, and 5 shards, each multiplied by the treasure modifier and rounded. In this case, 0.5 being rounded up to an odd number three times. I have another drop with a 3.5 modifier from earlier that yielded multiplies of 4 ingots, so clearly no bias to odd or even here.

But I’m still fairly convinced they didn’t even really consider low yield explosions here. After all, their explanation for the nerf was:

The last time magic increased was, what, January 2017? Unless we are counting the one point for Zuul’Goth owners. Exploders dominance couldn’t possibly be related to cascades prevalent on the Unity engine or even cascades related to oversaturation of storms. Nah, couldn’t be. Has to be all those points of magic we got in the past few months.

That isn’t how Banker’s Rounding works. Banker’s Rounding only differs from “standard” (“half up”) rounding for where to round decimal values of exactly 0.5. Where the “standard” form is “round half up”, Banker’s Rounding rounds half numbers toward the nearest even number. Which is why I specified the only numbers of exploded gems where Banker’s Rounding would have differed from “standard” rounding with a 0.7 explode modifier (without disease, since I’m not sure if disease rounds as another step or not) is 15 (11 with standard round up, 10 with bankers rounding) and 35 (25 with standard round up, 24 with bankers rounding). Every other multiple that lands on 0.5 that is possible on a single board without being matched away results in it already being rounded toward an even number (which is really only 5 and 25, 45 is not feasible).

Edit for bump. Didn’t mean to kill this topic. Single gem explode nerf is nonsensical with respect to both the stated reason for the exploder nerf and what actually caused (in many cases still causing) mass exploder dominance and should be addressed. I know thats bare minimum probably 3 months way, but if it isn’t being discussed now, it will probably never happen.