Sentinel drop rate has killed my fun, done spending money until fixed

Wait until you start getting dupes. 3 of the same sentinel. Absolutely disgusting addition to the game

Getting dupes is what I dream of. That would mean Iā€™d finally get a Sentinel after buying gems, torches and lanterns every week to go all in ā€¦

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My main complaint with Underspire isā€¦ getting torches from the dead-end reward. I need loot, not useless sigils.

Even legendary and mythic chests have torches as a rewardā€¦ itā€™s not cool.

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Those dead-end rewards badly need a buff.

Torch refunds (torches means gems spent lasts for a tiny bit longer provided its not the last battle played in Underspire for the week, butā€¦) shouldnā€™t be one of the better prizes as its easier to just skip the fights if they werenā€™t holding Sentinels hostage there.

Loot should be preferred/wanted, but 20 shards? a small amount of jewels? traitstones? 10 writs? gaard/yasmine/orpheus tokens? A majority of the loot provided is definitely in the why bother territory most of the timeā€¦ Iā€™m not excited to see trinkets either.


To be fair, trinkets do help win Diamantina battles when the kingdomā€™s team is so-so, to put it nicely. I have more of those than Iā€™ll ever need, thoā€¦

The only drop rate that I think is just beyond horrible - is the sentinel drop rate. At the current rate, without duplicate protection, 5 years wonā€™t be enough to get them all.


I donā€™t even go for dead ends anymore. The minuscule rewards are just not worth the gems. All they need to do is guarantee one sentinel somewhere in every Underspire and everyone will spend the gems to full clear every Underspire.


Until they get sick of getting the same one every time.

It could be a lifetime with this drop rate and it might not be enoughā€¦ :joy:

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I think of the Underspire as a giant pie wheel, and every time u find a sentinel room, u spin the wheel to see what u get. Itā€™s a lot like those dumb game shows where thereā€™s a teeny, tiny gold colored sliver.

ā€œStep right up and spin the wheel!ā€
ā€œFortune can be yours if you spin to win!ā€

Thatā€™s what we want. We want to land on the jackpot. And we will keep spinning this wheel until we finally snap, rip the wheel off and punch the game show host in the face.

We could bump this thread a million times, and they would still do nothing about it.:rofl:

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they gotta fix the part where people dont want to spin the wheel. youā€™ve already got people saying they donā€™t care anymore. its a bad sign


Given the complete and utter ignoring of requests to sort out the gem dragon duplication doubt they will ever change this.

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Still no buff? How??