Release the Krakdown! 40 second explore team :)

Whaaaaaaaat? Is this also true on PC? (Going to check now)

Edit: it is! Whee!

It hasn’t been on PC that’s why I still use Black Manacles.

Ahem. (10 chars)

Elspeth (FT’d)
Brown Weapon Hero (Mechanist Class/Level 10 Atleast/Not FT’d)
The extra 8 armor bonus due to mech and Adana bonuses
Complete 50+ armour for Bombot and your good to go :slight_smile:

Try it again with a life drain troop in last slot. I just did a battle with a Vampire Lord in last slot the VL had 30 something health and my Bombot does more than 50 damage the VL survived. The life drain troop you were battling was it in first slot?

Yes, it was. Blast. Guess it’s only partially fixed.

I think if Bombot hits any skulls the life drain troop will die.