The Realm of The Undead, casual and fun!
The only requirement is to be active and have fun. Expectation is to contribute fairly based on your rank. GW, Invasions, Raids encouraged but not mandatory. Levels 200 and up welcome. Levelling kingdoms, no problem, no gold expected until complete
The Realm of The Undead, rank 64, casual and fun!
Requirements 200t, 1000 seals, 1500 in Mythic weeks, 300k. GW, Invasion, Raids, encouraged but not mandatory. Levels 200 and up welcome. Levelling kingdoms, no problem, 20k gold weekly until complete.,
Requirements 200t, 1000seals, 1500 in Mythic weeks, 300k. GW, Invasion, Raid encouraged but not mandatory. Levels 200 and up welcome. Levelling kingdoms, no problem, 20k gold weekly until complete.
PM me for more info
Kicked again?
Newer player looking for a guild where you can grow?
End game player in semi-retirement?
We are the guild for you!
Easy requirements, negotiable depending on your level and play time.
We make allowances for real life as long as you communicate.
Potentially two spots open.
One spot open
Requirements 200t,1000 seals, 1500 in Mythic weeks, 300k unless levelling kingdoms then 20k weekly until complete.
Levels 200 and up welcome.
We do have a spot and would love to have you join our team!
Invite sent. Welcome to The Realm.
Please check guild chat for messages or if you would like to join our chat group on LINE even better.