R.I.P. Maw meta. The new meta is Manticore/Khorvash?

The Maw meta was insane. Devour, broken troop from the start, and a ridiculous third trait. Any player would be silly not to jump all over that. IMO, the new meta has no comparison. The troops are powerful and useful. I don’t personally find the team difficult, and it is great to see synergy for AI that is not goblins or a Forest of Thorns crew. That being said; once an Arcane Shield event comes into play, I may change my tune. At least I can say I saw diversity for a few weeks before the new bandwagon was rebuilt.


An argument I didn’t start myself?!?!?


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Now, on that i can agree, it would be challenging to put neutral moderators picking them from the player-base. But it worked before in some official forums of other freemium games i played.
But the point of having some members capable of removing, or more like hiding some comments to be analised later by the higher rank moderators, could keep the threads clean of off-topics or bickering. Basically they would enforce the rules and watch over the threads to avoid bigger issues. Well, to continue on this is also derailing the thread…

So i’ll just hope the devs consider the suggestion and move onto the subject of the troops:
In my experience playing Maw and meta-friends i don’t have a lot of trouble dealing with EK/Manticore/Valk/Anyone else (notoriously Famine).

Simply playing Maw is something that requires little logic and decision making skills.

  • My objective: Obliterate every enemy.
  • The obstacles: Stone Skin, Stun and Mana Drain from Khorvash, Empowered and Mana Drain from Manticore, the literal oneshot kill if Famine is the last troop and the annoying -2 status.
  • My take on the team: Devouring Khorvash is a must because he is the shorter way to deal with everything else, but i must, usualy, leave Mercy get her mana drained in order to make some progress in the battle, since i’m using double yellow banner i get some extra yellow mana while denying Manticore and Mercy collecting green is also a denial for it.

Usually it’s just a longer battle than the overall, my trouble starts with two Manticores, but i was even able to deal with it easily because i had a perfect board from start*. But with such a low mana cost to recharge the spell it can easily get on the nerves of some players.

*If anything i will mostly always risk doing the battle and retreat if it seems to take too long because the loss of points is a minor nuisance, and i’ll get a “free” refresh, but if the middle choice will reward me with more glory i’ll just do it instead, receiving less points and more glory is clearly better than losing a few.

So you’ve graduated from trying to silence one individual to proposing a whole silencing system?

Bravo, dude.


Not at all, that wasn’t what i did and having more moderation would be hardly a bad thing for the forum as a whole.

Way to read into something[quote=“Ivar, post:27, topic:11137, full:true”]

Disagreeing with the others is ok.
Making no contribution for the discussion, not posting, is also ok.
Posting something like this just to state that: The right others have to share their opinions about the game when it’s something that doesn’t match with your own vision/ideas and it makes you sick, it’s not ok.

To that post and all the ridiculous hyperbole you delved into after that: I have not in any way questioned the right of anyone to voice their opinion on these forums. You can make as many of these nerfplx threads as you like or contribute to these threads to your hearts desire, i was just stating that the constantly increasing number of nerf outcries on these forums and their consequences is leading to me and other players losing interest in the game.

As for contributing to the discussion, i have come to understand that it is futile. I have lead this kind of discussion on many fronts on here when other troops were in question that someone deemed super-ultra-imbalanced-OP!!! because it causes some minor inconvenience in someone’s 1minute-per-battle-pvp grind, or even just because a troop is widely liked and played.
I mean there are still people on these forums campaigning for Goblin nerfs, troops that are average at best, arguably even below average in metas for months now. I have come to the realization that arguing about this leads nowhere, as many people deem troops OP when the troops in question are just played because they are either well rounded, new and flashy, interesting or simply pose an inconvenience for someone’s playstyle.

So no i won’t start to “contribute” to this thread by saying nay to your yea,when it comes to nerfing whatever troop ruined your GoW session by making you lose one of your 100 games, or even just made one of your 100 wins 10 seconds longer than you would have liked.
Because i won’t be able to change your mind, no matter how many good reasons i could list, or how many counters i could name you in an effort to help you battle the troop you so despise. In the end it won’t matter how many counters there are to whatever troop, using these counters still poses an inconvenience to you.

And now i leave this thread with a thank you to the other posters defending my initial post when you tried to twist it and make it sound like something it very clearly wasn’t.


Uh, here are 2 popular silencing tactics:

  1. Wild misrepresentation of the original statement. (“he said I had no right! He said we make him sick!”)

  2. Telling someone that you’d listen to what they had to say, if only they used different words or a different tone. (This always amounts to: if only they were a different person.)

I can use my own eyes to read what you wrote and draw conclusions from it. Saying, “I didn’t do that!” is just as transparent in adults as when a kid standing next to a broken vase in an empty room says it.


AKA, a straw man fallacy.

AKA, a tone argument. This one is questionable as sometimes it’s impossible to divorce the presentation of a message from the implied intent.


Manticore is fine. Cockatrice is the REAL OP mana-drain troop!

Grab your pitchforks and let’s get 'em!


It is not even my thread at all, a minor inconvenience that the troops represents to me has little bearing in the discussion, but i’m here to discuss what can affect the game of others as well, yours included.
But since you just gave up on the discussion and resorts to the “argument”: “These changes ruined the game…” Then there is no much left to be said on my part.

The funny thing is: You could include a third item "I will make a mess on the thread to get it locked in a futile atempt to invalidate the object of discussion. Now… who is playing this double-agent game? :wink:

Yeah, that’s a risk for everyone who is willing to say what they think.


Maybe you deserve the fourth item of popular silencing tactics:

  • TaliaParks can always derails, or keep derailing a thread with pictures/gifs/memes.
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I think “straw man” needs some sort of ‘Godwin’s law’ equivalent. Godwin’s law for people who have basic training in logic.

I actually spent a few minutes thinking, “Do I say ‘straw man’ or not? Yes or no? I mean, it’s an obvious straw man but…”

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I think Spider Queen is pretty amazing, actually.

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Eika is now a Manticore. That should be all we need to know.