Proof of life please

Well… Nim just let me know that she was able to do a half-cost Arachnaean Weaver and it went in the store earlier this week… that’s great!

Unfortunately, one of the issues with being unable to go into the office is that I don’t always hear the day-to-day things that happen like this (another reason I’m cautious in venturing into the forums these days, because I don’t like providing incorrect information). Apologies for that miscommunication.

However, troop consumption is handled on server side, and Archproxy Yvendra would be easy to identify and consume

Possible, yes. Easy… well… nothing is ever as easy as you’d like with servers. You kinda get 2 choices with these types of things:

  • Hack it in and just get it done - which experience tells us seldom leads to good things (yeah, we’ve done it before, more times than I’d like to admit… you often end up with a bug that’s worse than the issue you’re fixing, or you end up with some extra tech debt down the line.
  • Do it properly and support both consuming AND not consuming troops, which just wasn’t going to be feasible this close to our next submission for version 6.0. We’d have had to delay the fix for a few weeks.

Anyway, I made the call to put it in at a discount, and I do believe it is probably the best compromise we were able to make at this time.