Please swap Warbands!

Warcoins were nothing but a quick cash grab that are now just another currency/resource that is obsolete and has been pushed to the side and forgotten about by the devs.


All currencies get left behind in this game soon as they aren’t getting any real cash flow from the player base.


I’m ok with not introducing any new Warbands (aka “leaving the currency behind”). I just ask that over the course of an entire year the existing ones be rotated thru.

Sorry if this is considered “spamming” it being my 3rd comment (including OP) in the last >month. Seems to be a simple win for y’all with the community to get some semblance of a swap schedule.

That’s my haypenny. Back to gemming. :heart: :gem:


Thank you for following up on the warband rotation. Having access to more banners and an extra team slot is really helpful and I always encourage my guildmates to buy them.


no new one is fine but I still need some old ones :frowning:


@Bramble has the team an answer for us?

Is there any way to get more team slots besides Warbands and spending a ton of money for the VIP. I mean I not have enough team slots to store my PvP teams and copy them over from docs does not work all the time

I think you also get some for reaching specific levels on your hero. Not sure about the details, I think the last team slot to unlock might possibly have been at level 1000.

That’s an interesting discussion about Warbands (that keeps this top of mind :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) - is there a way to do a poll on here?

Which reason(s) do you most want Warbands regularly swapped?

  1. Troops in Warband
  2. Team slot
  3. Banner
  4. Completionist

Hello :slight_smile:

Repeated bumping of the exact same text gets flagged as spam!

And, I’ll make sure to raise changing warbands again to the development team.

I do agree that it would be good to do so :slight_smile:


We see you seeing us and appreciate it. Much merriment will be had when the rotation occurs. Thanks for all you do!

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Please also think about adding banner combinations that don’t exist yet.


That’s a good look - dunno when the last banner was added but I do know last time the Warbands were swapped was October 30th of last year and in the 14 months I’ve been playing they’ve yet to make a full rotation. Get that automated and then y’all can work on adding the missing color combos. There are def enough troops to make some more.

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Ahh you see, here’s the fun part. The longer they go without swapping them, the longer people buy war coins on daily offers for gems that aren’t worth anything. Which takes gems out of circulation but costs them nothing. Genius really. The more I actually start to look at things from the devs point of view, the more it all starts to make sense why things are done the way they are done.

I hear ya but the gem spend on Daily Offer Warcoins can’t be anything worth writing home about. And by automating the swap & adding more bands/banners the “Gem Economy” regarding WBs would grow, ultimately in their favor.

Nope the spending would be exactly the same, cause except for some mega end game players , everyone buys war coins any time they’re available. So nothing would change there. They just aren’t useful now but you still have to buy them IN CASE they are in the future.

It’s pretty much a guarantee that NO new items or troops will ever be released for a currency that long time players have stockpiled. They will add a new currency (see dragonite) instead so the long term people have to chase all over again.

Diamonds are a perfect example, nothing new for it, when they do release something new it either uses a card you ALSO have to collect, or a different currency. Cursed runes is a prime example. There’s nothing new for it, never will be. They created dragonite instead

It’s all a cycle to keep us spending, on stuff we THINK we need. It’s kinda brilliant to be fair

Not everyone buys warcoins. I don’t because there’s nothing to get in exchange. :thinking:


Yeah I tried to have a discussion and was met with “nope” and then a bunch of gemsplaining so imma just go back to the original ask of the actual devs to swap em every once in a while.

There’s not much need for buying war coins. I wrote this last November…

Within 3 months of starting, and completing all the war coin-related kingdom trials(?), there was enough spare coins for several additional bands.

Even though they’re infrequent, there might already be a steady enough supply from the AB dailies to avoid spending, because the chance to use them is so rare.


Since Warbands are swapping at reset (woohoo!!!) I will have all of them so the responsibility of prodding the devs to swap now falls to others. Keep up the fight - you’ll get em all eventually! Only took me 18 months!!!