PC/Mobile: 3.1 Patch Notes

Yeah i hope it’s enough to fix it

Lol not hard 3/4 are justice league and 1/4 psion rag famine or korvash and fox

Pretty sure everyone will use psion if justice is not good anymore

I suspect all the people losing their minds about it the moment the update went out actually encouraged people to use the team more. I’ve definitely noticed an uptick since the update. Regardless of whether or not it’s actually better.


I just noticed that the disenchant tab of a troop’s crafting menu no longer shows the base rarity, but the current rarity. This was the only place you could figure out a card’s base rarity (except from stuff like deducing from x to ascend to legendary means it was originally ultra-rare).
Please fix.


Gem spawning has been almost been ALL of 2017. There are compliant threads starting in February, so that means the problem was introduced before that as it takes time to realize how broken the combo was, and get enough players using it in Defend to bother players. PC/Mobile has the advantage of knowing its broken from the get go.

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You can now sort by base rarity, though the resulting order within that rarity appears to be random. They really need to do a secondary sort by name.

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I saw that sort and it is an improvement.
But that doesn’t solve the fact that base rarity cannot be seen while interacting with a single card.

In this use-case I’ve sorted on upgradable but I want to skip all base epics and up. I do most of that by memory but it’s nice to be able to doublecheck with a card.

Another option is to make sure every sort is done in-place. In other words, respective to the current order. That way you can get any level of sorts, just the UI for that wouldn’t be too intuitive.

And I don’t know how many times I need to post this until someone see it. Add a secondary Mana selection option. Eg.

1st R 2nd Y: get all R+Y, and R+Y+any
1st R, 2nd Blank: get R, R+any, R+any+any
1st R 2nd R: get mono R only


Hey, that sounds familiar…where have I seen the color filtering employed like that…? :thinking:


I find this a very strange way of announcing the severe changes to guild task rewards. In particular, the equivocation of saying that a 20% gem-value reduction corresponds to a 25% gold increase seems, at best, highly misleading.

Yes, you’ve now included crafting materials, but the drastic changes to gem rewards has taken people by shock.

Coupled with the reduction to event keys, we’re all really struggling to understand why gems are now so much more scarce than they used to be, despite retaining their utility.

Those of us at VIP level 5 are also shocked at how few VIP chests they can now open.

It would be really useful to hear your rationale for these drastic changes.


Now that we don’t get enough gems for VIP chests, Diamonds are the only sure way to get Mythics. Gems are the easiest way to get diamonds.

Gem importance has doubled with 3.1 and gem production has been cut by more than half (depends on your guild and how many LT’s you do and how many gems you get from GW–could be 75% for some players).

Increasing demand and decreasing supply has a very clear outcome: people will start looking at gem purchases in the Store.
This was no accident.

It’s a business decision (as opposed to a coding one) and I can respect that a business needs money to function.
I’m VIP 10 so I’ve given these developers far more than they could have ever asked for.

But I gave that money voluntarily. Now they are trying to squeeze us so that we have to give them money.* I’ll never give them money again, and neither should anyone else. If that causes the business to fail, so be it.

*Of course every microtransaction game is free to play by some definition. But ZERO “free to pay” games WANT you to play for free, they NEED you to pay something or else they won’t have jobs and we won’t have a game.

Some games are just more mercenary than others, and this is becoming one of those games.


This is a really good point. I’ve spent money on this game for two reasons: to access VIP chests and support my guild.

The money that I have already spent has effectively been devalued by 75% due to the 75% reduction in guaranteed gems per week. That’s highly questionable, to put it politely.


the new graphic style is TERRIBLE


Explosion feel less like explosion now.

But you weren’t misled. VIP is strictly bonus resources, benefits, etc. for certain thresholds of spend. There’s no other claims related to the VIP system. If they nerfed the VIP rewards then you’d have every right to a refund. @Lyya hit the nail on the head with this issue.

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