Patch 1.0.9 Preview Part 2

You are right about 1 thing in this post, maps do award more glory per minut compared to PvP. They might not drop any at all where in PvP you are guaranteed 3 each win, but on average I’d say maps give about 2 times more glory then PvP.

I don’t think your experience is typical. Three PVP matches completed in five minutes? That is at least three times faster than my current rate of play.

I am hoping they make stones 100% drop in pvp to make up for the fact we cant adjust difficulty… probably wishful thinking eh!?

Yes they certainly will !!


Surprised no one has suggested it. Why not make the difficulty setting take affect upon reaching Rank 1?
This would allow the slow difficulty increase desired by devs, while also allowing players to play the way they want after reaching a set goal.

Also, @Sirrian, is this “Part 1” of 1.0.9 (not talking about previews), or the entire patch with no more large changes in wait until 2.0.0 rolls around?


I have no issue with the breaker change as long as when it kicks in the rewards that
were there for hard also kick in.


From: Forced combo breaker in PvP? THAT DOES IT!

I don’t know how I’m going to handle this :frowning:
It was so hard on WoW to do anything due to correcting people in channels. Someone is going to say, “There just to strong in arena I always loose” and my brain is going to explode…

Count to 10 . . . deep breaths . . . . happy place . . . . :wink:

Makes me wonder if there will be enforced wl4 higher up the ladder, haha.

Well it looks like i have 3 things to look forward to. Chatting with people, buffs to my hero, more treasure map use. things i do not look forward to; pvp changes (i am indifferent), arena rewards (this is a lie),
Also i am in a guild and second in command so with the chat i will be able to see how everyone is doing to check for inactivity. Those inactive for more than a month might get kicked.

I started playing Gems of War just recently (after the Gizmodo article about it) and have almost gotten to level 100. I created a forum account just to make this comment.

  1. Treasure Maps. I love the treasure maps and never have enough; I use them the second I get them and then I’m out until the next guild task or cascade. It’s a total bummer to hear you’re halving the number of turns. I enjoy the maps so getting half as much time with them is a huge disadvantage. On top of which, 20% more rewards when the # of turns has been cut in half actually means a huge decrease in the rewards.

  2. I play on Normal difficulty. I switched up to Hard for a little while & while I liked the increased rewards, it killed my enjoyment of the game. I felt like I was watching the AI play instead of playing myself.

So I switched back to Normal. Better make slower progress but enjoy myself along the way. If the new patch means I won’t be able to get through the arena on Normal, I’ll lose my best source of souls. I’m still working on getting a single team up to 18; it was rough enough in increments of 300 souls.

If I’ve correctly understood what’s going to happen with this next patch, there’s a good chance I’ll be quitting the game.

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Halving the starting number of turns on maps doesn’t halve the total. I don’t know how far you usually get in treasure maps, but getting to a Vault (the highest reward) is apparently around 70-80 turns or something. There’s just a little less leeway at the beginning.

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As someone who loves playing the maps and can’t get enough them lowering the starting turns is ok for speed runs but for rewards as someone who has trouble getting green chests it might be a little harder.

I love TH too and can usually end with a bunch of everything up to green chests and just try to get one or two red chests but I don’t understand lowering the number of starting turns. And others commenting on 70 to 80 seems high but I’ve never counted the actual number of turns in mine. We’ll see how the changes affect the game play soon enough.

Yes, I’ve managed to get a few vaults. Sometimes i try not to, to maximize the number of red and green chests.

But the # of turns in the Treasure Map really equals the number of times you can reach a choke point and keep going. In a sense, each “turn” would include both the turn itself and all the 4 & 5 matches that follow until the next “turn”–so, yes, it would cut the playtime in half.

Edited to add: right now, when I ht 9 turns in Treasure Map I start thinking, “Oh no, game’s almost over.”

But that’s because when you hit 9 turns now, you’ve played maybe 30-60 turns already and the board’s pretty choked up. I would expect most players usually play out quite a few turns with the turn counter sitting around 15-20 (maybe 25 with a lucky start).

With the new change, the turn counter will sit at 8-15 turns for quite a while until the board chokes up. Yes, you’ve got slightly fewer choke points to survive, but most of the game is played before you even reach a few choke points (except for the odd unlucky board where it goes nowhere fast).

Edited to add: The new traitstone every 15 turns has the added benefit of players understanding exactly how many turns they survive in TH - I’ve wanted something like this for ages because average turns survived is the truest measure of TH skill.

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I think the highest I’ve ever gotten on the counter is 21.

But really, your reply is a perfect example of why I’m suddenly dreading/down on this game. Your main point seems to be: this isn’t a big deal if you’re awesome at Treasure Hunt! Just like losing the combo breaker isn’t a big deal if you’re awesome at the main game.

Maybe, if I kept playing for another hundred or so levels, I wouldn’t feel like this was a brick wall. But I’m not playing Gems of War to push through my frustration and hone my skills and be super hardcore.


Your call whether to keep playing or not, but it doesn’t sound to me like you’re as bad as you think at TH - regularly getting green and red chests and choosing whether or not to get vaults means you’re playing a fair few turns for each map. I highly recommend giving 1.0.9 a go before throwing in the towel.

at least the code braker thing has a purpose… for the revamp of pvp that is coming in 2.0

i saw a break down and it appears to be true, a 20% boost but a 20% overall reduction in moves on TH. I’ve been keeping track all day and it really is about 20% less when I get to move 7 (my “8” moves used) - so probably about the same resources for less time overall.

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