Nerf Ubastet - he is overpowered

And i think you seem too invested in defending one troop dominating an entire game regardless of how it’s too powerful compared to old and new troops alike. You want to make it a grey are when it’s really not.

For people interested in grinding PVP they have Ubastet as one of the perfect solutions, the team can generally only lose to itself, even the troops that could counter Divines are barely a threat at all because the player have more advantages as we already know. We had a somewhat diverse meta prior to Divines, and that was achieved tonning down some troops like Psion and at a different pace by buffing other troops and traits in the past. Just like you said:

Divinia, and every other troop with Mana Shield, have now a decent trait because in the past me and others voiced our opinions regarding balance. On this matter i’m really glad the devs considered this particular suggestion of mine regarding Mana Shield, they were even further and added immunity to mana steal:

So you are welcome.

To the point: The devs clearly dug up a nice hole to be stuck inside, Ubastet is so powerfull that the next jump in power level would blow our minds, but if they don’t make anything nearly as good, and so far they didn’t, it just reinforces how wrong they were in the first place when designing Ubs. Also any troop rework that doesn’t meets “Ubs standards” reinforces such mistake.

Having hard counters would not solve the issue, it could reduce the preceptions around it, but Ubastet would still be overpowered, it’s just a slightly less poor solution than “to beat Ubastet use Ubastet”.