Let the coin decide who to start

I am not a fan of this idea. I occasionally have a life outside the game, which prevents me from playing continuously to the end of a match. I would be very frustrated if I lost a match because of events outside the game. It’s already irritating enough that losses happen if the iOS app goes to background while a match is running.

Well, it would be nice to have it as an option (higher rewards?) but this would also make people change their defence team a lot in order to slow down the game as much as possible.

People would find the most effective defense team and that is all everyone would play. Only promotes stagnation.

So back on topic - Does a coin toss or simply conceding the first turn fundamentally adjust game play?
Should it be rewarded?

I submit for consideration mercy/maw vs mercy/maw as a fairly common piece of the current meta

It would appear that going first is fairly advantageous (beyond any initial 4/5 matches)

IMO. It doesn’t change anything. The AI is still the same. Players are going to lose multiple coin tosses in a row and call cheating. Mercy is gonna fill up Maw and Mercy is gonna fill up Valk and Queen Mab goes nuts. But…the AI is still the same. The AI will always take that skull match and the player capitalizes and decimates the opposition.

How about an option:

Choose to go first
Choose to go second for a 25% gold bonus

Choice must be made before seeing the board.

I think the last thing the dev’s would want is to introduce another element of the game so susceptible to recall bias AKA “100% confirmed cheating AI, always goes first 80% of the time trust me I’ve counted 10 games already”.

I miss you combo-breaker.

I liked this, but I’m quoting it too because it applies to SO MANY perceived balance issues.