[KNOWN ISSUE] Explore crash on exit

Sto usando un traduttore; Mi scuso se è brutto.

Questo è un bug conosciuto.

Se ricordo bene, il problema principale è che non è facilmente riproducibile. Alcuni di noi non l’hanno mai sperimentato, mentre altri lo fanno costantemente. È strano. Tutto quello che posso dire è continuare a parlarne e spero che venga affrontato. :frowning:

English translation of OP's post

PS4 Pro
Practically every time I try to exit after having done one or more battles in the Explore of any Kingdom, the game crashes or rather freezes on the Kingdom screen, without being able to exit on the map anymore, thus forcing the closure and restarting the game.
Reading on the site is a long known bug. I asked technical support and they are literally unable to figure out what the problem is (although as I said before, it is a bug known to them). Someone advised me to reinstall the game: it doesn’t do any good, the problem is theirs and not my PS4.

Do we do something or not, since it has been at least two years that I continue to be blocked?!? Thank you.

(P.S .: translations are also improved, please …)

English translation of my response

I am using a translator; I apologize if it’s bad.

This is a known bug.

[Known Issue] Game freezes when finishing the Explore battles

If I recall, the main issue with this is it’s not easily reproducible. Some of us have never experienced this, while others do constantly. It’s strange. All I can say is to keep talking about it and hopefully it gets addressed. :frowning:

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