It's time to vote with our wallets

Something I’ve been working on is a complete write up of all the underpowered Mythics out there that need desperate tweaks and how I’d like to see them tweaked. I’ve only completed writing about Abynissia, Death, and Draakulis so far. The others I’ll write about in time are Doomclaw, Fallen Valdis, Gargantaur, Gaard’s Avatar, Plague, Undine, War, and Wulfgarok.

That’s a lot, but there are just a couple tweaks to either abilities or traits that I think would greatly put a spotlight on them.

Here’s the thing: no one wants to get a mythic and have everyone in the guild say “Oh… you got that one.” And especially if it’s a new player and they ask “How can I build a team around this?” and there just isn’t a good answer.

If you really have the time Kafka, I’ve written several posts on class traits, boss chests in explore, treasure hunts, and shop revamp: